Chapter 22

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 Hello everyone! I've got some good news! Since it's now summer over here in the Southern Hemisphere, I've only got a half day of school left, which means I should be able to update quicker. SHOULD, I HAVEN'T PROMISED ANYTHING! So yeah, stay awesome! :D

*Venturian's POV*

SNORE, SNORE, SNORE, CRASH! I awoke with a startled jolt. Stifling a yawn, I looked around to see what had caused that sudden crash. Nothing had changed in my room. CRASH! I jumped slightly, hoping none of my siblings were woken up also. CRASH! I slid out of my bed and put on my slippers before peeking my head out my door and into the corridor. I noticed that the computer room seemed to be lit up. "I must have forgot to turn off my computer again" I laughed, making my way to the glowing room and opening the door. Inside was a person lying face down on the floor, possibly sleeping. "Umm, excuse me?" I whisper yelled. "Could you please tell me who you are and why you are in my house?" Their head shot up and I recoiled in shock. They looked like me, apart from the pitch black hair and the oddly coloured eyes. To top that off their nose was bleeding and they didn't seem to have a worry about it. "Umm, your nose is bleeding!" I pointed out, trying to get over my shock. They grinned crazily at me as they stood up. "I know! Pain in your dimension is hilarious!" I took a step back, unsure of how to go about this situation. A look of recognition suddenly crossed their face. "Jordan Frye! How did I not notice it before! It's good to finally meet you in person!" "Hold up there snickers! You know me when I have no clue who you are and why you are in my house?!" They smirked at me, those odd eyes staring into my soul and putting me on edge. "How do you not remember someone that you created? Someone who's slowly making a comeback after being thrown out and forgotten by everyone except a few stragglers? How can you forget someone who has a secret, a secret so intriguing people are DYING to find out? Get it? Dying! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Then I remembered. That grin, that laugh, that person. "Jimmy Casket?" He shot me one of his trademark smiles. "Took ya long enough!" With that being said, he lunged at me.

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