Chapter 9

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*Johnny Ghost’s POV*

I stumbled into the forest, trying to control Jimmy, but he was awfully persistent. I didn’t know if I could keep him under anymore but I was determined to try. He kept going, the pain in my head getting worse and worse. The pain then became unbearable, and I fainted, while Jimmy gained control of my head.

*Jimmy Casket’s POV*

“You thought you could control me Johnny?” I teased. “Think again!” I laughed out loud, my voice echoing through the trees. Suddenly I heard a noise not far away from me. I smiled a maniacal smile. “Looks like the kill came to me” I giggled quietly, ducking through the trees and following the noise. I soon became close enough to fully hear the noise, and I didn’t like what I saw. FBI agents. Two of them, foolishly walking through the forest where no one can hear you scream. I was (thankfully) hidden and I was able to hear their conversation. “You think this Jimmy guy we’re trying to find is as dangerous as the media portray him to be?” One of them asked nervously. “Nah!” The other confidently said. “The media always make a big deal out of these things. I bet he’s just another one of those fickle murderers who do one murder, then stop completely” I felt my face become red with anger. I am Jimmy Casket, the world most renowned murderer and this man thinks I’m another one of those petty fools who don’t know anything about murdering. I stepped out from behind them. “Think again” I said, and they whipped around, their eyes filling with fear at who they saw. “J-jimmy C-casket?” the confident one said, trying to look brave. “Not so confident now, are we?” I mused, stepping closer. They backed up into a tree and I smiled at their fear. “Who should I start with?” I teased, slowly walking up to the one who insulted me. Before I started to play with him, I pulled another knife out of my pocket and threw it at the others skull. It landed smack bang in the middle and he collapsed to the ground, dead. “Looks like you’re the only one left! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I cackled, placing my knife at his neck. I put some pressure on it and a trickle of blood poured out from the cut I made. I grinned at the sight of it, placing more pressure on the knife as more blood poured out. I could hear him whimper in pain as I removed my knife and he fell to the ground, clutching his neck. “You…. spared me?” He whispered, astonished. “Nope” I said as I plunged my knife right where his heart was. I could see the colour leave his face as I removed my knife, letting his corpse fall to the ground. “THEIR LIES ARE MY SECRETS!” I screamed, laughing once more. But I wasn’t done yet. I grabbed one of their walkie talkies and I turned it on, letting it crackle to life as I said to the person on the receiving end “You may be wondering why some random guy has one of your agent’s walkie talkies. I am, no random guy. My name is Jimmy Casket, and you better watch your back! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed, throwing the walkie talkie onto the ground. I stepped on it as it broke into thousands of pieces, laughing the whole time. I looked around. No one was out there. I was ready to leave this forest and cause more pain, but I could hear Johnny regaining consciousness as I blacked out.

*Johnny Ghost’s POV*

I woke up in the same forest with two dead people. I scrambled away from the corpses, instantly recognising that Jimmy had just murdered two FBI agents. I ran out of the forest and back to the P.I.E headquarters, where Toast was running around calling my name. “SIR!” he cried, running over to me. “Where have you been?” “You mean where has Jimmy been?” I said. “Oh” he said in a small voice. “It gets worse” I exclaimed, in which Toast yelled “How can it get any worse?!” “He killed two FBI agents” I blankly stated. “This is bad” Toast said. “This is really bad”

*???’s POV*

I was in my office, sipping my coffee when my walkie talkie crackled to life. I grabbed it off my desk and listened to the voice on the other end.  “You may be wondering why some random guy has one of your agent’s walkie talkies. I am, no random guy. My name is Jimmy Casket, and you better watch your back! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” the voice laughed. I gasped. Jimmy Casket. I started pacing back and forth, thinking about what he had done to my agents. “This can’t happen again” I muttered as I dropped my walkie talkie on my desk and grabbed the phone. I dialled a number in, hoping they would pick up. I heard a voice on the other end. I sighed with relief in my head as I talked to them. “Yes, him…… I think he did that…… I know, it’s terrible…….” I said, while looking at files of previous murders Jimmy had committed. The voice on the other side then said something that hit home for me. “I think we’re going to have to resort to that” I grinned, hitting the end button and placing the phone down. I need to watch my back? How about the other way around?

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