Chapter 23

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Look who's actually updating faster! I know it's a shock, but it means less waiting and more chapters for you guys! So yeah, stay awesome! :D

*Venturian's POV*

He pinned me down as I heard a sickening smack, black spots dancing in my vision. "Now Jordan..." he cooed, pulling out his knife and lightly running it down my cheek. "I need a favour." "What kind of sick favour do you want?!" I spat, causing him to grin. "All I need is for you to come with me!" He cheerfully answered, pointing his knife at my chest. "Where to?" I questioned. He smirked as he leaned in, his face centimetres away from mine. "To my dimension Venturian! And if you don't come without a fight...." He gestured to my siblings rooms. "I'll have to persuade you!" He would hurt my siblings just to get me to come with him. "You're twisted!" I growled as he casually played with his knife. He turned to me, insanity dancing in his eyes. "But you made me this way!" Insane laughter then resonated throughout the house. I couldn't believe I was the one who laughed like that in the first place. Suddenly, I heard a voice. "Jordan, what's going on?" My head snapped towards the noise. My three siblings were standing by the door, all of them yawning and rubbing their eyes. "Well then Venturian, it looks like the subjects came to me! Too bad you won't be able to see them anymore...." He smirked, holding out his hand. Suddenly, all the knives in the house flew into the room and pinned my siblings to the wall. Not by their clothing, because forbid Jimmy for doing something nice like that, but by piercing their flesh. I screamed as my siblings yelped in pain, the remaining knives hovering above places like the throat and stomach. "Who's it going to be first Venturian?" He cackled, smiling like this was all a fun game. "I'll come with you! Just don't hurt my siblings!" "See? I knew you would get around to my way of thinking!" He snapped his fingers as the knives flew back to the kitchen, healing my sibling's wounds completely. "Now come on Venturian!" He laughed crazily, hauling me to my feet. "You have a lot to look forward too!" The last things I registered was my siblings yelling and a hand grabbing onto mine before I was swallowed by darkness.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! What's going to happen to the siblings? Find out in th- and I sound like one of those people that does the voice over a cliffhanger in a T.V series.

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