Chapter 20

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Look who finally published a chapter! I know the wait was long, but I hope this chapter makes up for it! Enough talking from me, let's get this show on the road and stay awesome! :D

*Jimmy Casket's POV*

I laughed a psychotic laugh after killing the last person. Then I remembered why I had come out in the first place. I raced out of the house and towards the abandoned warehouse. I slowed down as I approached the building, kicking the rotten door open and stepping inside. Glass was shattered in every direction I could see, letting the glow of the moonlight provide some visibility. Not that it mattered to me, I could see fine in pure darkness. I slowly walked forward, my feet crunching on the old wooden panels and glass. Reading my stance, I took a deep breath and began to yell. "Hey there old buddy! Look, I've done a favour for you and I think it's time you help me with a little project of mine! So come on out!" Silence. Then a boom and an explosion of green light appeared, before turning into a portal. Out of it stepped my favourite ghost. "Maxwell! Good to see you again!" He grinned. "Same goes for you Jimmy." He then snapped his fingers. "So, what's the favour you want from me Jimmy? A new knife? Easy. Sharper reflexes? I can swing that. A-" "Maxwell, I want a body of my own." He stopped in surprise. "A body? That's a big ask Jimmy, I can only do so much...." "Just give me a body!" I snapped angrily. "If you say so..." He sighed, before closing his eyes in concentration. His hands began to glow a corrupted green, slowly getting brighter and brighter. I began to smile in excitement. I had dreamed, and now it would become reality. The glow was now shining a solid colour and after a moment's hesitation, Maxwell shot the glow straight towards me. I felt it latch onto me, starting to tug as it pulled me away from Johnny's body. I closed my eyes, waiting for the moment. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see that the glow had flickered out completely. Maxwell had sunk to his knees, panting with exhaustion. "What happened?!" I yelled, my eyes starting to blaze with anger. Maxwell lifted his head to look at me. "My magic isn't strong enough up give you a new body" he bluntly answered, slowly floating into the air. "It's almost like a stronger power is keeping me from giving you one....." He suddenly clapped his hands together. "That's it!" He cried, turning to face me. "What is?" "Jimmy, who created you?" I scoffed. "Venturian, why did you ask me a stupid question like that?!" "Who has stronger power than me here Jimmy?" "The creators! Now would yo-" "And who would have to give you a body Jimmy?" I stopped in sudden realisation, a crazed grin slowly spreading on my face. "Venturian."

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! It looks like I've started breaking some 4th walls within the story! But hey, walls like those are meant to be broken!

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