Chapter 7

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*Johnny Ghost’s POV*

In dream

I was sitting somewhere in the dark, with the only visible light shining on me. I tried to stand up, but I was chained to something. I glanced behind me, and I saw I was chained to a pole. I struggled against my bindings, but it was no use. I slumped down, staring in front of me. Two red eyes and an insane grin stared right back at me. “Jimmy Casket” I snarled. “Well, if it isn’t Johnny Ghost” Jimmy said, stepping into the light. He was wearing a red top, black jeans with red converse, a black jacket and he was covered in blood. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME YOU MONSTER!” I screamed at him, my face flushed and my eyes set aflame. “Nothing really” he simply stated, slowly circling around me. “In fact, I don’t want much at all.” “Well, if you don’t want much then want do you want?” I asked. He leaned in until his face was centimetres away from mine. “A body of my own” “YOU WANT MY BODY!?” I screeched. “Yup” he said, popping the p. “And how do you plan on achieving your aims?” I asked once more, hoping he would tell me. “I can’t tell you that!” he grinned. “Then you would be able to figure out how to stop me! But I will tell you this. Try as you might, you will fail if you don’t find out a way soon enough” “That doesn’t make any sense!” I exclaimed. “Exactly” he laughed. “Well, my time talking to you is done” he stated, turning around to walk away. “Wait!” I cried. “Yes?” he muttered, annoyed. “Why did you tell me this anyway?” He smiled one of his trademark smiles. “For me to know and for you to find you!” he cackled, walking away into the dark.

I suddenly sat upright, gasping in horror. “Sir! Are you alright?” Toast asked running over to me, clearly worried. “I’m fine Johnny. Just a bad dream” I answered. Then I looked around. “Where are we?” Toast laughed. “We’re in your room in the headquarters.” I looked around once more. “Oh” I said in a small voice. He laughed once again. “Get more rest Sir” Toast said, pushing me back onto my bed. “I’ll manage everything.” A bit more sleep didn’t sound like a bad idea as I closed my eyes and drifted into a dream-free sleep.

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