Every human child is raised to hate the others, to despise them even though they are a big part of our world, our economy. Even I was raised to hate them, what's worse is I know I'm somehow one of them so how could I ever hate them? It would be real hypocritical of me and truthfully I would be hating a big part of myself.

A knock sounded sounded through my apartment coming from my front door and then a set of keys jingling which meant my mother finally wanted me to do business for her.

"Hello mother" 

I call to her standing up from my sitting position on the couch and then striding towards the door she is now stood in. My mother has bright red curly hair, perfect white skin and aqua blue eyes which is why at first nobody believed I was hers, not even her.

"Darling I have a business case for you, I'd do it myself but I'm really busy. I would rearrange it but it is a very important account" 

Oh yes hi, I love you too. Just get straight to the point I'm fine thanks. She could re-arrange it but I knew she didn't want to. 

"I know you're going to hate it and I know you don't like them but it's with some of them, the others

She said it as if the words where Satan or it was cancer. There's the real reason for not rearranging, the other's. I honestly didn't have a problem with them at all, it was my mother and the rest of the regular humans that did that's why she's giving me the case because no-one else would take it. 



She sounded confused, shocked, why? But quickly she got over it and continued, probably worried I would change my mind 

"yeah, Okay it's erm... Mr Lowe I'll send you the address when you leave and the meeting is soon so you better get going"

"That's fine mother, I'll leave now" 

I was already dressed anyway, I already knew she was going to ask me. I was meant to stop but I had read her mind yesterday when she was in the meeting downstairs in the breakfast hall, that's how I knew she was going to ask. I even know where I'm heading because I also listened in on the woman who must have been his assistant, although it was strange because she was a regular human, the woman who had been arranging the meeting.

I had my black pants suit on with a white shirt and white gloves too. I had just started to walk through the door when I heard my mother's voice. 

"And Annabelle, please be safe" 

When you hear her say that you'd think she was concerned about me driving safely but no, she means make sure no-one touches you or you don't touch anyone else.

After getting into my black Mercedes I took off my jacket because it was summer and way too warm for it as well as the long sleeved shirt I had stupidly decided to wear beneath it plus the jacket had been form fitting so was slightly stiff to drive in. Starting the vehicle up I couldn't help but glance at myself in the rear-view mirror, my ponytail neat as always. The gold in my eyes slightly increasing from the reflection of the sun.

It took almost an hour just to get out of the city and it was another twenty minutes into the drive to wherever this company was. All that surrounded me was what seemed to be a forest full of huge pine trees, nothing but the path of this dirt road giving me a clue as to where I was heading.

Another ten minutes down the dirty road was when my engine started to splutter and make ridiculous noises. I didn't like the sounds it was making, they couldn't be healthy. That's when it halted to a stop making my body jerk forward. 

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