"Everybody run! Don't let her touch you!" Ladybug warned. Without hesitating, everyone began to scramble away. You jumped down from the top of the building and began ushering them away.

"Who the heck are you?!"

You whipped your head around to see your doppelgänger staring back at you in confusion and suspicion. "Uhh...You probably won't believe me but I'm you from a few minutes into the future." You tried to explain. "The future? Yeah right!"

 "Wait, (name)! I think she's telling the truth." Purrsia defended. "How do I know this is not some kind of trick?"

"Ugh! I don't have time to argue with myself right now! Just trust me on this!"

"Okay then. If you're me, tell me something that only I know about."

 "You hate the taste of (least favorite food)."

"So what. A lot of people know that."

"You love to sing (favorite song artist) songs in the shower."

"Impressive but not enough."

"You have a huge crush on Chat Noir." You bluntly stated, making your other self blush heavily. "Okay, fine! You're me from the future. So does that mean future Ladybug and Chat Noir is here too?" 

"Well, Ladybug is here but Chat...he sacrificed himself to save me...well us."

Your counterpart stared with wide (eye color) eyes full of shock. "He did...?"

"Yes, he did. But we'll worry about that later. Right now, we need to stop Time Breaker." Finally convinced, your duplicate nodded before transforming. Stressfully, you ran a hand through your (hair color) locks. 'The world SO isn't ready for two of me...'

Meanwhile, Time Breaker skated up to the newly akumatized Alix and held out her hand. Determined to get revenge, she accepted and stood up. They both shot an evil grin at the heroes. 

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it a double."

"Uh...are they allowed to say that?" Chat Noir asked Ladybug who shrugged uncertainly. "Nevermind that! We gotta capture their akumas! Your life depends on it!" Ladybug told him. "Which one? I've got nine." The feline vigilante joked, causing her to huff in frustration. "Stop fooling around, Chat! This is serious!"

"She's right! The akuma is in her rollerblade." Agreed past Ladybug as she suddenly dropped in. Chat Noir looked back and forth between the two Ladybugs. "Is it me or am I seeing double?" 

"Don't worry."

"It's not you." You and your doppelgänger added as both showed up.

"Two Timebreakers, two Ladybugs, AND two Cheetus?! I'm beginning to feel a little left out here." 

"This is bad. There's too many of them." One Timebreaker complained to the other. "No worries. All we gotta do is tag more people. Then we can go back in time to save our watch." They both nodded in agreement before skating off to find more victims.

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now