Chapter 17

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Author: PLEASE don't hate me!😭😭 I was supposed to have this chapter about a week or two ago. I've been so busy lately and had a hard time focusing on writing. (Not to mention I had to rewrite some parts cuz I was half asleep when I wrote them...) But I finally got it done. Sorry if it kinda sucks... I promise things will get more interesting in the next few chapters.

Thanks so much for reading!


You burst out of the library in search of Marinette, but what you found was disturbing. Everyone in the school had been transformed into copies of the akumatized villain known as Reflekta. 'This is so creepy... it's like some kind of clown apocalypse...' You thought, shuttering at the sight.

The sound of cackling filled your ears as you looked up to see Ladybug fending off who you assumed was the real Reflekta. Immediately, you were about to help until you were stopped.

"Cheetu! Over here!" One of the 'Reflektas' called out to you from a classroom. You had no idea who it was but judging by the voice, you guessed it was Nino. At least you think it was...

"Is everything okay? What's going on?"

" I overheard Reflekta say something about Chloe locking her in the restroom when we took our class picture. I think it's our friend Juleka." You're eyes widened in surprise.

'Juleka? Of course! I should have guessed!'

"Will you please help us, Cheetu?"

"Yeah! We really want our faces back!"

The students all pleaded anxiously. Hiding your own anxiety, you did your best to calm them down.

"E-everything is going to be okay...!  Ladybug, Chat Noir, and I will handle this!"

Just then, a thought suddenly crossed your mind.

"By the way, has anyone seen Chat Noir?"

"I'm right here, Kitten!" Hearing the familiar voice of your favorite partner in crime, you turned around to find...

"Ch-chat...Chat Noir...?" You stammered uncertainly as you stared at the Reflekta look-alike before you.

"What do you think? Am I still the cat's meow?" He asked doing one of his signature poses, stumbling over the high-heeled platforms in the process. You did your best to hold back your giggles.

'Oh my gosh... I'm never going to unsee this...'

After losing track of the villain, Ladybug arrived on the scene. "There you are, Cheetu! Where's Chat Noir?" You simply pointed towards the person in front of you which left Ladybug confused.

"Good to see you, M'lady!"

Now realizing what was going on, Ladybug didn't bother holding back her laughter.

"What happened?" She asked between her laughs.

"I'd rather not talk about it..." Chat muttered begrudgingly.

"It's okay, Chat Noir. I still think you're the cat's meow."  You complimented with a giggle. The feline hero shot you a grin before becoming serious.

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now