Chapter 20

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Now in your hero persona, you ran across the rooftops in search of anything out of the ordinary. And sure enough, you found plenty.

"What is up with the black lipstick? Is everyone suddenly going goth now or something?" You questioned as you witnessed citizens with black adorned lips wreak havoc around town. They were destroying decorations, ripping up flowers, trashing sweets, breaking into fights, etc. "Looks like many people feel the same way about Valentine's Day as I do." You commented as you watched with mild amusement. 

"There you are, Cheetu! Now hand over your miraculous!" You turned around to see a villain with large wings and a bow and arrow aimed directly at you. Although, you were able to recognize who he was.


"Wrong! The name's Dark Cupid! And I won't rest until the city of love is filled with nothing but hate!" He ranted before firing his arrows.

Immediately, you ran across the rooftops with Dark Cupid hot on your tail. He fired multiple arrows at you but you were able to barely dodge them. As tempted as you were to use your speed break, you knew better than to use it this soon.

While running, you accidentally lost your footing and fell off the roof. You braced yourself to hit the ground but instead, you fell into a pair of strong arms. Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at your savior.

"Chat noir?"

"Glad you can drop in, Kitten." He said with a wink, causing you to giggle.

"Have you seen Ladybug? I really need to talk to her." He asked as he set you down. "No, not yet. But I'm sure we'll see her as soon as we catch up with the villain." You answered. "Great! Let's go!" He started to take off. "W-wait...! I have something I need to tell you!" You exclaimed, grabbing his arm. The feline hero tilted his head in confusion but gave you his attention. "Alright, go ahead."

Now given your chance, you sheepishly fiddled with one of your twin braids as you built up your courage.

'Come on, (name)! Pull yourself together! As long Chat Noir doesn't know the real you behind the mask, everything will be fine!'

"W-w-well, Chat Noir... I just wanted to tell you that I...I..."


Before you could react, Chat hugged you and moved you out of the way as Dark Cupid swooped by firing an arrow at you. Unfortunately, he took the hit in the process.

"Chat Noir! Are you okay?!"

"Cheetu, I... I loathe you! You always act so kind and innocent! It only pisses me off! You suck as a hero!"

Realizing you needed to get away, you stomped on his foot causing him to release you as he yelped in pain. Now free, you ran off.

'I'm such an idiot! I let my guard down and now Chat Noir took the fall for me! Maybe he's right... I really do suck as a hero...'

Eventually, you found yourself at the hotel where Ladybug was conversing with Chloe and Sabrina. "Cheetu! You're here to save me, too!" Chloe exclaimed excitedly as she ran up and embraced you, making you cringe in disgust. "I'm glad you're here, Cheetu! Where's Chat Noir?" Ladybug asked. "He was hit by one of Dark Cupid's arrows." You informed, prying the irritating blonde off of you.

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now