Onyx gave a brief nod of agreement, her eyes digging into the blue and white stripes that hid his face.

"Before we start... What made you take notice of me?" the question leapt from her lips before she could call it back.

"Can't a man approach a beautiful woman?" Killer returned.

Onyx glared at him.

"A waitress tipped me off," Killer quickly relented, "She said a dangerous woman was watching our crew. I thought you were a call girl sent to get information on us..."

Onyx nodded slowly, feeling no pain on her body.

Killer cleared his throat.

"So how does this work then?" he asked.

Onyx raised an amused eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Tell me what information you would like me to find and I will decide whether it's worth my time."

Killer paused, his fingers tapping lightly along the rail. Onyx zoned in on the movement, searching for any hint to the man's thoughts.

"How can I know you won't hear what I have to say and then go blab our plans to our enemies?" he asked.

Onyx let out a short grunt of laughter.

"You know, it's usually only the Marines who ask me that," she cocked her head to the side, "Pirates just assume that I will and they take the risk anyway."

Killer's mask stared blankly back at her, unsettling her in a way she did not find amusing.

"Have you heard of me ever doing such a thing? There's a reason I'm so sought after," she sighed, "But I'm afraid all I can give you is my word."

She turned to face him fully and lifted a hand to her heart.

"On my honour."

Unsurprisingly, the pirate didn't believe her.

"But if someone wants to know what the Kid Pirates asked of you, you will tell them," Killer challenged.

Onyx hesitated briefly before nodding.

"If they pay well enough. I have very high fees for traitorous requests."

Killer's mask turned to the darkened shore.

"At least you're honest about it," he sighed.

Onyx's eyes flashed and she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"I pride myself in completing my missions," she snapped, "Once I've accepted a job, it doesn't concern me who is asking for what."

"I'm sure you've made a lot of enemies thinking like that," Killer said.

Onyx stiffened and shot him a curious glance, but his head was still turned towards the shore.

"Perhaps," she said slowly, "But I don't stay long enough in any one place to find out what others think of me."

Another gust of wind rattled the rigging and threatened to steal her hat away.

The deck tilted slightly under their feet, but the seasoned sailors remained steady.

"So what is it you want to know?" Onyx muttered, getting annoyed at how long this conversation was dragging on.

Killer was reluctant to speak, which didn't help her irritation, but Onyx forced herself to be patient. If she played this right, she could get what she came for and be out of here in no time.

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