Caught in the Alley

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When Onyx returned to the bar, she saw, to her great surprise, that Killer was still sitting at her table.

I was kinda hoping he'd leave.

Onyx swallowed her resignation and surveyed the large, dingy room. She saw no sign of Rena in the shifting crowd and promptly thrust all thought of her recent scuffle to the back of her mind. She needed to be on-point now.

With a roll of her shoulders she strut back to her table.

"What a gentleman," she cooed as she sat down, "Could it be that I've fallen into your heart?"

Killer's demeanor appeared completely relaxed as he tilted his head towards her. Even so, that blank, unreadable mask but her on edge.

"You've definitely piqued my interest," he chuckled, "And I'll be honest. I've never seen a woman pull off a green jumpsuit as well as you can."

Onyx blushed and let out a huff.

"Why are you the second person who's told me that?" she muttered, taking a grumpy sip of her beer before shrugging, "Well, I'm not the type of woman to spurn a compliment. Especially one from such a gentleman."

They both gave soft chuckles before settling into a more serious silence.

Onyx kept her expression warm despite the sudden chill that ran through her gut.

If this man had a chink in his amour, she'd have to really work to find it... Perhaps a direct approach would be easiest? Or would he clam up?

Damn it, I should have been faster and gotten to Heat.

Killer reached for his drink and Onyx blinked at the straw sticking out of his tankard. He promptly lifted the beer to his mask and stuck the straw through one of the holes close to where Onyx imagined his mouth should be.

She watched in amusement as he took a few deep sips before her eyes drifted over his shoulder to see Heat laughing with another tall man wearing a dark cape and fishnets.

"Who's that stoic gentleman?" she asked motioning to the new man.

Killer turned his head briefly.

"That's Wire, another member of my crew," he said as his masked fixed on her again, "You sure seem interested in us, Miss...?"

He left the question dangling and Onyx smiled, offering her right hand across the table. Killer lifted his arm and gently caressed her fingertips.

"How rude of me," she bowed her head, "My name is Mikano, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Killer."

"Mikano...," Killer hummed as their hands parted, "I can't help but feel we've met before. You seem familiar."

Onyx tilted her head to the side, letting the orange tresses of her wig fall across her shoulder.

Was he making this easy on purpose?

Something else is going on here.

A pair of yellow sunglasses flashed through her mind. Could Rena have set Killer on to her as a distraction?

"I was just thinking the same thing," she played along, running a finger around the rim of her mug, "I was on Stratta Island a little while ago. We may have glimpsed each other there."

Her words had an effect. Killer's relaxed shoulders tensed slightly and she could feel his stare boring into her from behind his mask.

"Stratta?" the man took another sip of his drink, "We were on that island about a week ago."

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