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Onyx frowned as she undid the ropes securing the Flying Dodger to the pier, but she didn't hesitate to throw them aboard and lift her boot onto the rail, balancing over the precarious space between the dock and the ship.

"Promise me you'll be alright," she muttered as her eyes swept over the empty deck and secured sail.

The sea breeze whistled through the rigging and a pulley tapped against the mast.

Onyx smirked.

"See you on the other side, baby."

The waves splashed loudly against the hull and the small boat bucked away from the dock. Onyx pulled her boot back before she lost her balance and grinned after her Dodger.

"A little eager, aren't we?" she sighed.

She turned and set off down the pier, not looking back as the small vessel drifted further and further out to sea.

Onyx pulled the brim of her hat down over her eyes, finding more comfort than utility in the gesture since the sun had long disappeared over the horizon. She had changed out of her jumpsuit and once again bore her favourite black turtleneck and cargo pants.

She blended seamlessly with the shadows and stalked through the town on silent feet. Anyone who caught sight of her thought only that it had been a trick of the light, fooling their eyes and casting strange shadows through the depths of the back-alleys.

Her destination rested in a hidden bay on the uninhabited side of the island. The sheer cliffs that formed the coast of this inlet plunged straight into fathoms-deep water, permitting a ship as large as the one belonging to the Kid Pirates to drop anchor right alongside and forgo the use of rowboats.

Onyx scanned the empty deck of the Victoria Punk from her perch in the branches of an overhanging palm tree.

Other than the two men in the crow's nest chuckling to each other, the ship was silent. She knew Killer had been honest when he'd told her the crew would be out partying, but she was still surprised at the lack of security. Hopefully the two watchdogs wouldn't give her any trouble.

Onyx swung down from her tree; her boots hit the deck with muffled thuds and she stumbled a bit.

"Oof, didn't think I was that high up," she steadied herself against the rail.

"Right on time."

Onyx readjusted her hat and smoothed the wrinkles of her coat as she turned around.

"You're certainly quick to greet visitors," she smirked as Killer approached along the side deck where she had landed.

He slowed his steps and leaned against the rail beside her. Onyx noted the tense atmosphere and took a step back.

"Is the dear Captain going to join us?" she asked, eyes flitting about in search of the hulking redhead.

"No, he's still in town," Killer muttered.

Onyx frowned.

The wind creaked through the rigging, bringing a hushed silence in after it. Her attention returned to the blond and she felt her cheeks warming.

Killer had changed into a pair of jeans and a well-fitting white t-shirt and Onyx's eyes were constantly being drawn to those perfect half-exposed biceps.


"I don't know why we couldn't do this earlier," she snapped, forcing her gaze away, "I could be gone by now. I don't like delays."

Killer shifted and crossed his arms over his slim, well-defined chest.

"My apologies," he bowed his head slightly, "But the chances of us being overheard here are next to none."

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