Detour #2

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Onyx marveled at the beauty of the city flying past her as she rode her rented yagara up to Dock 1.

No matter how many times she stopped in at Water 7, it always took her breath away.

Her eyes widened slightly as they rose to the elaborate fountain erupting from the center of the tiered city. The massive streams of water soared upwards before tumbling back down and being carried away by the many channels and water-ways leading down to the ocean.

The yagara let out a whinny as she pulled up beside the most affluent Dock of the shipbuilding city and Onyx hopped out.

"Thanks," she said and tossed the animal one of the treats the rental man had given her, "Wait here for me, please."

She made her way up to the main gate and the crowd of shouting people who were standing at it.

"Lucci! Is Lucci there?! He's so handsome!"

"Isn't Tilestone so manly?"

"Look at the size of that beam! How can Kaku handle it all by himself?!"

Onyx rolled her eyes and pushed through the simpering women and gawking men. When she finally reached the front gate she had to grab on to the rails so as not to be squished as the crowd pushed forward.

"Mister Lulu! Look over here! Oh my god I think he saw me!!" a woman began hyperventilating in her ear.

Onyx leaned away from the enthusiastic fan and peered into the large yard beyond the gate.

The carpenters and shipwrights were hard at work, their sweaty bodies glistening under the noonday sun. Her eyes roved over the bulging muscles and shirtless chests until they settled on a denim jacket decorated with orange flames.

Onyx fought the smile tugging at her lips.

"Hey, you old windbag! Long-time no see!" she lifted her voice, hoping that it would carry above the cacophony behind her.

The target of her shout immediately stiffened and jerked his head towards the gate. A smile broke onto his face when he caught sight of her dark silhouette. Onyx watched as he hurriedly passed the rope he was pulling on to another man and started walking over, taking the cigar out of his mouth and squishing it under his boot heel as he came.

"Hey! Don't call Paulie that! He's a foreman!"

"Who is she? How does she know Paulie?"

Onyx ignored the comments and gave a small nod as the blond reached the gate and pulled out a ring of keys.

"Alright, back up you guys!" the foreman called over the noise, "Only payin' customers allowed in."

The crowd shifted and retreated slightly, allowing Onyx to step through the gate as Paulie pushed it open.

"Your fans are rabid as ever," she muttered as he locked the gate again and ushered her into the yard.

"They get worse every year. Honestly I prefer the debt collectors," Paulie's smile was still on his lips as he led her towards one of the outbuildings, "It's nice to see you again, Onyx. I had a feeling it was about time for you to stop by."

The woman brought her hand up to her hat, tilting it back a bit in order to watch a huge boom swing overhead, carrying a large mast destined for a half constructed galleon sitting on the other side of the shipyard.

"It's nice to be back," she breathed.

Then a shadow flit around the edge of her vision and her bright mood immediately darkened.

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