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                                                                Cinderella: A True retelling.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a young girl who loved her father with all of her heart. The girl had no mother, she died when the young girl was young so it was just the two of them, and they were content. It was not till the young girl grew into a young woman did the father notice that something was missing in his daughter's life, a mother. The father not wishing to deny the young girl anything he went in search of a wife. He looked far and wide for the perfect mother for his daughter. He found one in a middle aged widow with two young daughters about the age of his daughter. He brought them back to his large estate and introduced his new wife to his daughter. The mother was struck down with a wave of envy at the sight of the girl. She was devastatingly more beautiful than her own daughters and even herself. The mother's heart shriveled and hardened towards the girl but she could do no wrong to the child for the young girl was the apple of her father's eye. It would not be until a few years later that the woman could do any damage. It was the death of her husband and the girl's beloved father. The daughter was devastated at the death of her father but she did as her step mother dictated and took care of her step sisters and her step mother. The girl grew and grew until she was a beautiful maiden with hair the color of ripe wheat and eyes of cornflowers. Not only did she grow more beautiful but she became kind and humble. This is the story of Cinderel...STOP! I can't take it anymore! This story is pure fiction and a bald face lie! You have heard of this tale of the Beautiful Cinderella and how she went from abused maid to Princess one fateful night with a glass slipper and a bit of magic. But that story is completely UNTRUE! Yes, I admit Ella was beautiful and yes, she did have ugly step sisters and evil step mother but she did not get her one true love the way it was told in THIS version of the story. You ask how I could know this? Well I was there and was part of story. My name is Fanny and I was the maid that became a Princess.


This is my first story so bare with me. I hope you all can comment and review so i can make this better

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