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"Guys, I can't get through the barrier!" Mary shouted whilst holding onto a sturdy tree. Shadow and Logan weren't too far away from her, trying to hold their ground as well. She huffed as strands of the purple-haired wig blew into her face. Luckily, it stayed on since Logan had done a good job. With her free hand, she held her hood down.

"W-We have to find a way through it!" Logan shouted. The thick droplets of rain dampened his feathery wings; but luckily, his claws could keep him glued to the concrete ground. Shadow had a similar approach: Hiding behind a sturdy shield of ice.

"Ah— what do we have here?" a melodious voice rung through the streets. Mary's body froze in shock as soon as she recognised who the voice belonged to. "Three little children playing heroes. I'm not—"

Her sentence abruptly came to a halt, and so did the storm for a second. Especially around Mary, the storm seemed to have calmed down immediately. The sun — which had been hidden behind thick layers of clouds — shone brightly onto the glistening concrete.

"A-Anne? Is that you?" Syren called out in a bare whisper. She stepped out into the light; her eyes were wide. Mary was scared, but she nodded slowly, making Syren's eyes glow up. The villainess was a shadow of her former self — much to their surprise. Mary couldn't truly believe that Syren really fell for their plan... so maybe her teammates weren't as stupid as she thought of them to be. She'd have to tell them later.

"M-Mistress! I—" Mary wasn't exactly sure what to say as she was pulled into a tight hug. Her whole body was shaking from her wet and cold clothes; the fact that their nemesis was hugging her didn't help to calm her nerves. Additionally, her mind had stopped working. "I remember everything now... I'm so sorry!"

"I-I'm so glad you remember..." Syren patted her head as tears ran down her cheek. She felt like the missing part of her heart had been given back to her. Indeed, humans only believed what they wanted to. "We can be happy together now, Anne! How about ice cream? How about the park? Feed the pigeons— no, sit on the swings..."

"A-Ah yes, I can't wait!" Mary tried her best at a smile, yet she looked like all she wanted to do was run for the hills. Syren was so deeply distracted by 'Anne's' sudden appearance, that she didn't notice Logan and Shadow hiding behind a thrown-over car. Both were relieved to no end that their plan was working. Shadow especially had been worried about Syren hurting his sister; but it seemed that everything was truly fine.

Syren was still clinging onto Mary as if she was her lifeline. Before Mary could suffocate though, Syren let go of her and laid her hands onto her cheeks. "Your purple eyes, they've always been so pretty—" Syren cooed, her eyes slowly turning dark. Mary held back a breath and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. Then it struck her: They had forgotten to buy contact lenses. "—Mary."

"N-No..." Before Mary could react, there already was a knife embedded into her abdomen. She cried out in pain, at which Syren laughed crazily. Her hands were stained a crimson red; she held her head in pain. She continued to laugh and hide her pain behind booming laughter. Shadow and Logan immediately darted out from behind the car, storming towards the deranged woman. Yet, the storm from earlier came back ten times stronger than before.

A barrier — similar to a tornado — formed around Mary and Syren, pushing out Logan and Shadow's attempt to save the fatally wounded Mary.

"It's the end, heroes—" Syren screamed, the softness and seductiveness from her voice long gone. She was screeching nonsense at the top of her lungs, showing the two boys that she had completely descended into madness. Mary's vision went hazy as she sank to the wet ground; she clutched her stomach in utter pain. The bloodied knife was now lying next to her, the rain washing away the blood staining the metal. Whimpering to herself, her life flashed before her eyes. This was the end, wasn't it? "You have lost! I have lost! Everyone has lost!"

Real Reality (Yandere!Hero x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora