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"Oh my, what a pretty little girl." The hooded woman chuckled as she advanced from the creeping shadows, her heels clicking against the cold concrete floor. You narrowed your eyes and tried to make out what her face looked like, but you efforts were in vain. The front of her long hood covered her eyes, making only the tip of her nose and red lips visible. "You come after your mother, dear! If I didn't know she was dead, I would have thought she was sitting right in front of me."

"You're Syren, aren't you?" you whispered under your breath, the parts in your mind clicking like a puzzle. A woman — a shadow — beautiful and yet as dangerous as the creatures of the sea she called herself after. Her voice was smooth as honey, beckoning you to come closer if you wouldn't have fought valiantly against her control.

At that, she laughed. "And you're (Y/n), are you not? My old mistress' little darling daughter." Her figure was standing in front of you and yet, with her cloaked in a tight black suit, you couldn't make out much of the details. Feline scrambled over to her side — like a lost puppy having found its owner. "I remember when you were just little... so much potential! And look how much you've grown. More importantly, how your powers have become stronger."

"You know nothing about me," you spat and turned your eyes away from her, your (E/c) eyes cast on the ground. Syren continued to laugh, her plump lips parting as the heavenly sound reached your ears.

"Oh, but I do!" Her lips curled up into a mysterious grin. She knelt down to your height, her gloved hand resting on your shoulder. Her touch sent jolts of electricity through your body. Even though you couldn't see her eyes, you could feel how they were boring into your own ones. "Tell me, (Y/n), what has that damned uncle of yours told you about me? That I'm dangerous? Not to be trusted? All of that nonsense?"

"Well... yeah." You were left speechless.

"You should know," she whispered slowly — almost seductively — as her hand slowly cupped your cheek, tilting your head from side to side, "that I can help you with your powers! I can teach you everything you could ever dream about!"

"I don't seek power," you said, eyes as hard as the ground underneath your feet. Her hand stopped moving for a moment, motionlessly lingering on your cheek. Her generous smile fell for a moment, but she managed to regain her composure after mere seconds. "I seek knowledge."

"Oh my, so you're out to play my dangerous game tonight?" A giant grin adorned her lips as her grip on your face tightened, making you wince slightly. You stayed determined though, the revelation of secrets was too tempting. "Would you be scared if — if I just killed you right on the spot?"

You stayed silent.

"My game, my rules. Always remember that, (Y/n)." Out of nowhere, she had a little yet sharp knife held to your throat. You choked on your own spit, your eyes threatening to fall out any second. Syren relished in your fear, pressing the blade stronger against your delicate skin. Tears ran down your face, falling onto her leather gloves.

"W-Wait!" Feline shouted as her whole body seemed to tremble in fear, putting a hand on her mistress' shoulder. Her tail was swishing nervously against the ground, her green eyes cast at you. "We don't want to kill her, remember? Her powers will be gone if she's dead!"

Confused why the enemy was defending you, your watery eyes darted between the two women.

"Oh, my apprentice." Syren sighed as she let the knife disappear in her suit, her torso turning towards Feline. "Won't you let me have my fun? You're so... merciful tonight. Of course we won't kill her, I know that she's useless as a dead corpse. The machine can only be fuelled if she's alive!"

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress..."

"Quite alright, dear." Syren turned back to you. "Now back to you! Let's talk about what you want. Everyone wants something and I see in your eyes that you clearly want one thing. Are you sure you don't seek power? I could—"

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