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"Logan!" Mary's shrill voice echoed through the classroom, her body blocking Logan's sight of you. Clenching his fists, he only hesitantly looked up at his female classmate. She had a wide smile on her red lips. Batting her eyelashes and giggling innocently when she noticed that she got his attention, she asked — more like demanded, "Let's do this together? As a pair, alright?"

"But, Mary—"

"I knew you'd say yes! So how about you come over to my place after school?"

"Alright..." Logan's face radiated defeat, the light in his eyes dimming. Mary, though, couldn't have been happier; giddiness spread through her body. It was only when she skipped off to her own desk that Logan was able to catch a glimpse of what was happening in front of him.

"I guess that's alright, Marcus." You smiled sweetly at the taller boy in front of you, agreeing with his plan to also meet at his home today. The corner of Marcus' lips tugged up in happiness.

"I'll see you after school then, (Y/n)." Marcus shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jacket and calmly strode off into the crowd of rambunctious students. You hummed and sat down onto your chair again, yawning softly to yourself.

Although Marcus and Mary were twins, they couldn't possibly be more different from each other. With Marcus being the older one, he had a more relaxed attitude than his younger twin. But both were incredibly rich thanks to their father's business, making them both heirs to a throne they would one day inherit.

"(Y/n)," a voice called out from next to you, "so you're doing the project together with Marcus?"

Snapping out of your trance, you turned your head to your left. Logan was sitting there, a rather calm smile on his face. Nodding, you couldn't help but feel a little bit of bitterness in the pit of your stomach. Out of all the people he could work with, he chose to partner up with Mary?

"Yes... and you're with Mary, or so I heard," you retorted, to which Logan nodded too eagerly; his gesture made your heart break a little bit. And in that moment clarity hit you, making your eyes fall in the process. He was in love with Mary, wasn't he? How obvious his change in behaviour was, you knew something had changed inside of him.

"Yes, we're going to her house after school," Logan explained with a giant smile on his face. You nodded hesitantly and a strained laugh escaped your throat. "And I just overheard that you're with Marcus... so I guess we'll be seeing each other this afternoon."

"Yeah... I'm looking forward to it." Your words were laced with irony, but you didn't even know yourself if it was intentional or not. Turning your gaze away from Logan's loving green eyes, you started to look at the ground with a little frown on your face.

Little did Logan know that his foolish plan would soon backfire. The stupendous voice in his head told him to scheme something up — to make his beloved feel jealous. While jealousy helped a person realise their feelings for another, it would also cause a straining gape in the relationship of the two people.

Gaining relationship points for a character can cause you to lose relationship points of other certain characters!

"Mother, Father, what am I to do?" you whispered to the tomb stone in front of you. Tears were threatening to fall down from the corners of your (E/c) eyes. Softly laying the bundle of bright camellias on the earthy ground, you gritted your teeth in an attempt to be strong. After all, that's what your mother had taught you. "I'm going to die again, am I not? I... I feel so lost in this big world."

It had been years since your parents died and you still weren't able to properly realise that life was going on. At least your uncle was still there for you, giving you enough money for you to rent a little apartment for yourself.

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