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"So, Ms. Lavender," you spoke as your back was turned to Mary, your hands calmly resting on the cold glass of the prop window. With your eyes unreadable, dramatic silence consumed the hall. "What will you do, now that you've found out about our conspiracy? All of our fates lie in your hand."

"Oh, Ms. Eve," Mary muttered and leant back into her chair, gazing up at the high ceiling. Softly sighing, she shook her head. "Who am I to play god? In the end, we're all the same. All of us are living in our own selfish bubbles, aren't we? We're humans after all, that's normal."

You felt a twisting feeling in the depths of your stomach as Mary continued with her monologue, her voice growing more distant with each word. Dread filled your veins; something was terribly wrong.

"—Tell me, dear, would you give your life for hers?" Mary inquired, yet you stayed silent, your mind not being able to vanquish its troubles. Her shrewd eyes bore into your back and before you could realise what was happening, she had already jumped up from her seat and tackled you to the cold, hard ground.

Your ears recognised the sound of glass breaking and metal bending. Panic overcame your rational thinking.

Screams echoed through the hall, causing your ears to hurt. Your intuition had finally given you rest, the weird feeling of fear disappearing when your (E/c) eyes slowly fluttered open. Mary was looming over you, a worried frown on her face. Confused, you silently stared into her own soft purple hues, finding nothing but worry and fear for you in them.

"You should get up," she muttered as she held her hand out to you, a gesture you would have never expected from Mary. Hesitantly, you grabbed it and she pulled you up with tremendous strength. Wobbling to your feet, her hand only left yours once you had securely found the wooden stage under your soles again.

With dazed eyes, it was only now that you noticed that a headlamp from above had fallen down onto the place that you stood at mere seconds ago. Shards of glass littered the wooden ground around you, making you almost faint at the thought that you could have seriously been injured.

"T-Thank you, Mary," you managed to choke out, your voice wavering as all out of a sudden, a crowd of students surrounded you. They asked you questions, more pouring in with every second. But Mary had already disappeared behind the curtains. She didn't hear your words, nor did her face show any emotion other than pain.

She shouldn't have gone against the rules — and now she had to pay the price.

"(Y/n), are you alright!?" Ms. Taylor asked as she hugged you tightly, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. You hummed nervously, waiting for her to let go of you. "I can't believe that the headlamp almost fell on you! I need to let the janitor take a look at this!"

She let go of you, searching for a broom while your classmates slowly retreated back to their seats after it was clear that you were perfectly alright — thanks to Mary.

"I can't believe you almost got hurt!" Logan cried out and enveloped you in a tight hug; his arms were wrapped around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. Your body tensed at first, but relaxed once you found yourself in a comfortable situation.

"Don't worry, I'm—" All out of a sudden, his touch burned like the pain of fire gnawing away at your skin. You gasped in surprise, pushing him away from you before it could worsen. "—alright..."

Logan looked shocked, even hurt as his green eyes trailed after your retreating form. Looking down at his own hands, he wondered what he could have done to force such a reaction out of you. Sighing to himself, he felt his heart sinking in frustration.

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