Start from the beginning

"Objection, your honor. That boy says nothing but lies. The Stealth program was an educational program. It has proved to be a great success. He is a product of the program," their lawyer uttered immediately.

"Objection overruled. Newman, continue." the judge replied.

"Thank you, your honor," Cameron smirked as his eyes met with Rodney's.

Cameron then continued his story. While telling his story, he glanced at the jury who seemed unreadable. They seemed like a wall. Emotionless and Blank. However, he could already feel the victory slipping in. As for the Castro brothers and their father, Cameron noticed how pale they looked. He wanted to laugh, but this wasn't the time to laugh.

"Because of this, because of the toll and damage I and many others have suffered, the love of my life took her own life." was how he ended his story with a nice touch of tears for the drama. He was content with himself knowing that he probably won the jury's hearts. After all, it was the truth. His truth.

"Lies! She's alive and you know it!" Rodney shouted. "Where is she?! Where are you hiding her, Cameron?!"

The whole room went silent, looking at Cameron in disgust. Then he surprised them, laughing. Laughing in their faces as if he were a maniac. "Yes, she's alive. It was the only way to get you off her tail. You know, it's quite disgusting how a grown man like yourself went looking because you wanted her to have your children since her mother left you. I can't count on my fingers how many times you took the girl's innocence. It's sick."

"You're the one who's sick! Making the girl fake her own death," Rodney smirked. "You think I don't know of your plan, huh? I'm not stupid, boy."

"You are stupid actually. Because you already fell into a trap."

"What are you talking about, Newman?" the judge asked.

Cameron smirked at Rodney. "Your honor, considering that this trial is in honor of my girlfriend. I'm also here to give you a gift. Not only is the Stealth program a complete fraud, but the man truly running it, is that man. Nathan Castro, a very elusive drug lord your system has struggled to catch in the last ten years. The money made from the program isn't actually going to the FBI. It goes to him. He splits it between him, his sons, and chairman masters who was paid not to say a word about this. However, Chairman masters is the reason that the program went on. He approved it."

The judge read through everything. He saw everything. He began to think why was the FBI trying to sue them for defamation when they've caused this themselves? The truth was bound to come out anyway. "Tell me, chairman Masters. You knew about this, didn't you?"

Sitting in the chair, he stayed silent, not wanting to speak although his silence was enough to dig his grave even more. So, to save himself, an idea popped in his head. Then he finally spoke. "The Castro brothers were the ones who started to develop the Stealth program. I don't know why I'm here."

As he thought that he would get one by the judge, he heard a chuckle. Looking up, he found the judge relaxed in his chair, smiling a little. "Isn't that you talking with the brothers and agent West on the security footage though?"

He laughed nervously. "No way. That's my twin brother."

"If I remember correctly, Masters, you don't have a twin brother," Cameron mused. "Lying will only make gravesite another foot deeper."

The trial continued. They tried their best to gain the upper hand. In the end, with everything that Cameron and Eli had, all of the evidence laid out for everyone to see. The verdict was decided after the jury went through the evidence once more.

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