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"We will, baby. God will have to strike me down if I dare to let my dragon go." He told her. "I love you, red. Even if you think you're not enough. I promised that I'd show you that there are good men out there. That starts with loving you. Every part of you. Even if you feel filthy, even if you're insecure about your body, I'll show you how to love it whilst loving it myself. Not a single woman in the world could compete your body, love. You're the sexiest woman in the world and I'm lucky you're mine."

With that, he pulled back from the hug and cupped her face. His lips met hers. He had placed all his love for her in that kiss, making sure she knew how much he loved her. He made sure that she felt special. She was in cloud nine nearly crying again overwhelmed with emotion. She felt special with him, safe with him, loved by him and cared for. She knew her worries and insecurities won't go away, but she felt lucky to have someone like him. She was lucky to have him. Even if she didn't show it much, he knew that she loved him.


Eli, Zayn, Marcus were in the living room watching the television as they walked in. Keeping a very safe distance, Riley sat away from them. Cameron sat next to her throwing his arm around her. Both of them turned to the television to see the FBI front and center on the screen.

"It appears the Federal Bureau of Investigation has gotten their hands into some sketchy business. It appears that they have been working with Nathan Anthony Castro to create what is now known as the Stealth program. Since the program launched, thousands of children have disappeared. Strangely enough, the program itself has breaded some of the most skilled, most dangerous assassins the United States has come across. Two of them being, Rogue, the infamous Black Dragon who has become a worldwide hero as of late, and Slash, the infamous Red Dragon, known to be the best female assassin ever. At just nineteen years old, he has helped thousands of countries regain control. Slash has aided many countries in their fight to overthrow their corrupted leaders. At just eighteen years old, she has become the most wanted criminal in the world as well. Not to mention, an alluring vixen. Red is most certainly her color." The reporter disclosed.

"Absolutely, Erin. I wonder if she's single because I'd love to take her out sometime," another reporter chimed in.

"Harrison, focus on the story. Not your fantasies. A woman as gorgeous and powerful as she is wouldn't spare a glance at you."

They all laughed at the two reporters. Eli turned his attention to Cameron who was tense the minute that reporter started to talk about Riley's love life. He smirked. "Jealous over there, dragon?"

Cameron chuckled. "I'm not the jealous type, Eli. I have no problem with other people gushing about the love of my life."

"What does the chairman have to say about all of this? Our correspondent, Alice, is at the headquarters now. Alice?"

"Hi, Erin. I'm here. Live at the FBI headquarters, chairman Morrison has not arrived yet. However, Director, Carlos Castro is pulling up."

All five of them smirked. Pleased with the commotion they have caused with the FBI. The reporter had met Carlos halfway to the entrance.

"Director, is it true that the FBI have been working with your father to launch the Stealth program? Did you have any involvement?"

Carlos gave her a blank look. "No comment." He then walked away.

Cameron knew that he would say that. It meant that a statement may come out later. As soon as Carlos left the chairman arrived. The reporter turned her attention to the chairman and asked him what she asked Carlos.

"Whatever you heard, was a lie. The FBI would never work with scum like Nathan Castro. Have some respect to the men and women who serve to protect you," his remark left a bad taste in their mouths. But Eli smirked.

"They're denying it. How—"

"Don't worry your pretty head dragon," he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed someone. "Release the footage from ten years ago."

Cameron turned his attention to Eli. "What did you do?"

"Since the chairman and Carlos want to play hard, I just made things more difficult. They thought they erased the footage of their conversations about the Stealth program and the Castro family's connection to it. Well, I've had the footage the entire time. Let's see how well they try to cover up their tracks now." Eli smirked.


Male characters in Wattpad stories have women's standards skyrocketing into orbit. Although it is a bit emotional, I wanted Riley to be a little more relatable. A lot of women and men go through this. Doubt is dangerous. It's always the voice that you can't. Even for me. In my case, I get so many ideas to bring to life in a story, but I always second guess myself and start doubting it. It's also because I'm a perfectionist sometimes, but I'm trying to go with the flow more. Nothing is ever going to be essentially "perfect". No one is perfect so why try to be perfect.

Perfection is overrated!

Anyway, who loves Cameron as much as I do? and The situation with the FBI though? Eli is really out here dropping the tea like it's nothing.

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Have a lovely day/afternoon/evening!

See you soon!

Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat