Argentina instantly swings his blade towards the voice behind him only for it to be stopped by his wrist being forcefully grabbed. A strong squeeze from the country on Argentina's wrist is painful enough to cause him to drop the sword to which he glares at the country.
"Ye seemed confused about the Glaswegian kiss thing from earlier so ah decided tae come an show ye."
With that, Scotland carry's out the action hitting Argentina hard on the nose and knocking him back. Argentina yelps in pain as he grasps for his face falling back so far he falls down. Argentina holds his nose as it begins to bleed.
(I don't know how you guys picture countries and I know some aren't portrayed with noses but screw it cause I don't know many 'fighting moves' and that's one of the only ones I think of when thinking of fighting)
"Ahah, shit." Scotland says as he sways on his feet, holding onto his shoulder. "Been a long time since I've done that, right Sasa—fuck."
Scotland stops and rushes over to England and Turkey. Turkey managed to get out of England's hold and is now silently strangling him. Wales was too distracted by Norths stab wound to notice.

Scotland pulls Turkey off England, throwing him to the side as England gasps for air.
"Dammit! I was so fucking close—" Turkey is cut off by Scotland pulling him up and pinning him to a tree
"If you kill him, I kill you." He says.
Turkey smiles smugly.
"What? Is there some kind of romance thing going on between you two?"
"No, If that bitch dies it's going to be because of me or old age, which I find unlikely." Scotland responds, tightening his grip on the country to make it painful.
"That's true." England shouts with a croaky voice.
"I don't know, still sounds like some kind of weird romance thing to me." Turkey says, knowing it will annoy Scotland.
"I'm gonna fucking kill yo—"
"You know, you never really did anything to stop Arjantin."
Scotland immediately turns round only to see Argentina sitting in the same spot treating to his nose. Seeing Scotland distracted, Turkey takes his chance to grab Scotland by his hair and, moving as he does so, slams Scotland into the tree in which he previously pinned Turkey. Scotland's world becomes dizzy at that point and he slowly slides down to the floor not being able to concentrate on his balance as his head throbs.

Turkey was about to do more to Scotland, seeing a high advantage with the country's current dazed state, but is pulled back. He becomes more shocked when he feels his feet leaving the ground and it causes him to struggle; frightened.
"Stop struggling... you're heavy enough as it is." Wales says as if out of breath.
Turkey obviously does not listen to this requests and continues to struggle.
"Let me go you winged demon!" He shouts.
The flying stops at that point it becoming a hover at the canopy of the trees. Turkey confusedly stops struggling wondering what is happening. He hisses loudly as he feels claws digging into his shoulders of where the hands grip him.
"Dragon. I'm part dragon. Dragons have claws. Because I'm only part, much like a cat, my claws are hidden unless I so desire for them to be shown." Wales seethes.
Turkey doesn't respond, being in pain from the claws digging into his skin. As if boosted by Turkeys mean words Wales flies faster and higher and it terrifies Turkey to a very obvious point.
"Oh don't worry, unlike you, I don't want to kill anyone." Wales says. "Say, speaking of wants, you wanted me to let you go, didn't you?"
Turkey becomes extremely worried at what Wales just said with the height they're at.
"I wonder if you'll land on your feet."
Wales then retracts her claws and lets go of Turkey.
"Holy shit." Argentina mutters as he sees the sight above him.
He begins to slightly panic as he can't think of what to do. He thinks of catching Turkey but at the speed in which everything is happening it seems quite scary and he chickens out, looking away as the sound of collision with the ground thuds. Turkey groans in pain as Argentina rushes to aid him.

Wales glides down to Scotland.
"You okay?" She asks.
"Aye. This is nothin' compared tae when Ahm drunk." Scotland says, rubbing his head.
"That's true—"
"Oh, weesht with yer 'that's true''s yer voice gives me a worse headache than having ma heed smacked against a tree an being drunk combined." Scotland cuts off England.
"You've got a sore head? I was just knocked out." North yells as he walks over to the bunch.
"How are you already awake?" England questions confusedly as North joins the group.
"You're talking about the movie myth," Wales says with a roll of her eyes. "You don't stay unconscious forever when you get knocked out, only for about 30-... 2 minutes... 30-120 seconds."
(I know that probably means the time that North was knocked out at the start doesn't make that much sense but just roll with it for now, thank you—)
"Oh." England mutters.
"Well, this battles nae over yet," Scotland says as he slowly stands up. "We've had a break, noo lets continue. We're no giving up."

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