...Prepare for Attack...

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I have no ideas— sorry if this chapter sucks because of that. Writers block is making me suffer again...This is what happens when you don't leave chapters on cliffhangers... I just wrote whatever I really could, I just wanted to post something otherwise I feel lazy as heck and that makes me achieve less motivation than before and why does my brain work like this—

...I seriously need to stop...


Scotland's POV

I was disappointed at how much England was affected (effected? My brain does not understand which one to use right now) by these rumours and how they reminded him of his past. I hate lying. If you don't have a good reason, then you shouldn't do it. But what I want to know is: whom started these rumours?
Why did they start them?
And when will I get to beat them up?
As I said before; I don't take hurting of people I'm close to lightly. I might not ever act like I appreciate or like England, which would be true, but we know each other like the back of our hands and have had to deal with each other for years on end. I do get fed up of his dumb face sometimes but only I get to make fun of him for his stupidity.

We finally made it back to the house. We never told any of the teachers that we left the school and our bags are still there but I would imagine Canada or America would be told to take them home with them for us.
We were silent the whole way back, it was quite awkward considering on how we see each other but it wasn't as bad as dealing with school nonetheless. I wish I could of said goodbye to Ireland though...

I knock on the front door of the house and wait for someone to open it. Wales, North, Australia and New Zealand will be home already by the length of our conversation in the bath room and how we had to sort of sneak out of the school. Eventually the door opens and we are greeted by France. I give an awkward smile while England stares gloomily ahead in a world of his own.
France crosses her arms. "Care to explain why you duex are home so early?"
I take a glance towards England but he still appears to be daydreaming or distracted by something. I look back to France and take a breath.
"Sasainn is experiencing bullying. I found him crying in the bathrooms after the teacher told me not to go check on him, as even the teachers are believing these dumb rumours that are being spread around the school about England and his pay even though every country has done most of the things they're bullying him for... I managed to calm Sasainn down through a very awkward experience but in the end I didn't think he could last the few hours left of school so I asked if he wanted to go home and he agreed." I took a breath and waited for France's response.
"I'm not happy about you duex missing school but that is horrible Angleterre," She says sympathetically. "I would understand why you wanted to come home and I'm fine with that but I'm gonna have to go to the school and have a word with UN about this. No country should have bad things said about them no matter what they have done, that is certainly not how you make someone learn from their mistakes."

I watch as England looks up to France and gives a small smile and he appears to look a lot less duller now.
"Come on inside then you duex." France says as she opens the door fully to let us walk in.
France shuts the door as we walk in and we all head to the living room. The younger countries all sit on the floor doing a big puzzle. They all look up at us and give us a confused expression.
"Why are you back so early?" Australia asks.
"The dumb bullying and rumours." Is all I say.
They all nod their heads and continue with the puzzle. Wales, on the other hand, stands up quickly and practically glides across the room. She probably did with those wings of hers. She wraps her arms and wings around England in a big double hug. A special hug that Wales does when she feels it's necessary and it certainly does cheer any country up. England is quick to hug back, probably because Wales has always been his comforter. She's really everyone's comforter to be honest. Family, friend or even a stranger, she's there to make you feel better. Seeing that hug makes me think of Ireland and I long to be in his arms. His soft touch and beautiful eyes, I can't believe I had to wait 98 years (if you picture this story happening in the year of 2020, otherwise it is a different amount of years, obviously) before I could see him face to face again. Now we are together, I don't see how on Earth that was possible for me to deal with, probably because I was still a dumbass and didn't actually know what I felt when I saw him.

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