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Haha, boring title...

Hey, quick Authors Note and it's kinda important so I'd appreciate if you would read it. You don't have to but it would be best for your understanding of my story. I think the story is going quite slow and I don't want people to become bored and loose interest, I want—or would like—people to enjoy my story and happily read it. So I got a slight idea on how to speed it up. Yep, summarising. This chapter will be quite different and mostly be summarising at the start, so that I can get nearer to the ending chapters. I'll try and make it as descriptive and enjoyable as possible for a summary. It may effect the plot, only a little bit, but in a way that actually makes it easier for me to write so it is all good. I hope you all are okay with that!
And I really hope you all still enjoy the book and make it to the end when it comes!

Have a long chapter as a slight apology for the sudden skipping in time.


Mystery Countries POV

I sit at my desk. It almost seems like time has flown by. Nine weeks was the amount of time it took. I recall all of the invasions.

British Indian Ocean Territory.
She already had military making it hard for me to win. She was the same skill level as me. It became apparent to me that I cannot win. The anger boiled inside me, I wasn't going to give up... and I didn't. I noticed throughout that she was also defending a human not just fighting me. So, by distracting her, I grabbed the human and held a knife to her throat. British Indian Oven Territory had frozen, a look of fear and anger on her face. It made me smile, I knew I had won at that point. I told her to give up, or the human dies. The human had tried to speak but I silenced them. The territory eventually gave up and I let the human go. The first thing they did was hug each other. Disgusting. Only a few countries and territories have ever chosen to be in the strange relationship of loving a normal human. I didn't care though, I had won.

Akrotiri and Dhekelia.
I had requested a meeting with Cyprus. The small country appeared a little nervous in my presence but it's probably just my general demeanour. I had discussed to the small country. She politely declined. I cannot deny that it didn't make me slightly mad. I wanted the land but it's little Cyprus so I tried my best to keep my composure. I assisted her in reclaiming the territories so I felt like I at least did something in taking the land. After a little convincing, both the territories were fine in going to Cyprus, which made the situation much easier.

Ascension Island.
There was a lot of air battle involved with this small island with Royal Air Force Station Ascension being a big problem. Eventually, we got in charge of the situation as it became a battle to see whom could stay in the air for the longest on low fuel. In which Ascension had called the planes down, not wanting anyone to get hurt. The territory proceeded to put up a fight but realised the situation of strength difference and I eventually overpowered her as her confidence diminished. She was quick to accept obedience back at Patriam Island as well. I can appreciate her quickness to change, it took a big toll on the other territories staying there, too.

Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha.
These two were connected like South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Siblings, of similar age as Tristan da Cunha was discovered sooner but settled on later, making his age a little unclear. They had an... interesting effect. Saint Helena went smoothly. She spent most of her time making sure to write to her brother and the other territories. I couldn't stop her from sending the letters on time, but I didn't have to fight to take her for that long. She used the tactic of hiding, like Pitcairn, but failed. Her island had quite the big population so I'm sure the battle against the humans would of been interesting. I didn't see it as I had hunted for Saint Helena herself.
Tristan da Cunha was the interesting one. He had a decent plan. He went up Queen Mary's Peak, seemingly with ease from what I saw when I got up. It had exhausted me and I'm sure that was his plan. We fought for a while and he was doing good with my already tired state, until he made a mistake to which I had grabbed him by the throat and waited for him to give up. I later found out the interesting thing with the territory. Instead of England, it affected Scotland. I was surprised when this news was brought to me. Then I figured it was because of the naming of the town on the island. Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. Edinburgh is Scotland's capital so with that name on Tristan da Cunha I suppose he inherited it instead of England. Like I said, interesting.

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