"When will this dumbo come? I am so hungry yaar." I said as I didn't have my breakfast properly.

"You know him, he never comes on time so let's wait for him." Naina said.

"but I am hungry yaar" I said making a cute pout.

Soon Ro came and hugged both of us. His face was reflecting immense happiness.

"Hi! Cutie. I missed you so much." He said to me.

"Even I missed you dumbo." I said to him with a naughty smile.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? If any of my fan will hear that my reputation will go in vain." He said with a worried look.

"Yeah I know now you are a model but for me you are the same dumbo." I said teasing him.

"Forget it you will never listen to me." He said.

"Cutie why do you have bridal mehendi on your hand. Did you get married?" he asked me. What will I say him now? I decided to tell him truth but not the entire truth.

"I was calling you since a week. Didn't you secretary inform you about my wedding?" I asked him.

"No. How come your wedding got fixed in a week?" Ro asked in confusion.

"It was all done by chachu chachi." I said.

"So where is your husband?" Ro asked.

"I didn't marry anyone. I ran away from the wedding." I said.

"What! Why?" They both yelled.

"They lied to me saying that the groom was selected by my parents. They were doing it for the property." I said in a sad tone. Not revealing the main reason.

"Are you freaking nuts? Your parents died when you were six years old. How can you let anybody manipulate you with their name yaar?" Ro said. He was fuming in anger.

"Didn't they tried to search you to get you married to somebody else?" Naina asked. I can't tell her the truth. Finally, She got the happiness which she deserved. I don't want her to stress about me.

"No. I was able to escape from there." I said.

They both were shock and Ro fumed in anger. He has always been over protective about me. Naina calmed him down with lots of difficulty.

"No need to worry I am perfectly fine now and extremely happy." I said it with lots of difficulty faking a smile. Ro was giving me a look as if trying to read my facial expression. I know he understood that I was hiding something so he changed the topic.

"You both are so stupid. From so long I was telling you both to talk with each other but you both didn't paid attention to my words. I suffered the most in your fight." He said and made a fake angry face.

"You are a really bad actor Ro." I said pulling his cheek. I just love to tease him.

"Let's order something." Naina said gaining our attention

We were about to call the waiter when we saw Araav and Jiju entering the restaurant. Before I could react, Ro waved at Jiju and called his name. They came near us.

"Nice meeting you again. Come join us" Ro said but his tone was a bit different kind of teasing or was it just me. Maybe I am just thinking too much.

"Same here." Jiju said in a bit rude tone. Jiju introduced Araav and Ro. Aarav was looking at Ro in anger. What is wrong with this man can't he smile? He sat beside me. He was in a grumpy mood. We ordered and again started talking.

Ro and Naina were whispering something and Naina started blushing. I am sure he is teasing her.

"Busy staring your lover boy." Aarav said with sarcasm in a whisper. He looked very angry. About whom is he talking? Is he talking about Ro?

"Was he the one for whom you ran away from your wedding?" he said. Is he mad?

"Are you out of your mind? How does that matter to you if he is that guy or not?" I said in anger but in low voice.

"So, this was the reason for you to make the divorcee paper. Are you planning to marry him?" Aarav said bitterly. He is unbelievable.

"Even if I am planning it shouldn't bother you as I am not going to marry him without getting a divorce from you. You need not worry about my life. Don't worry I will invite you and your wife for our wedding. Do come." I said whatever came in my mind. I was already pissed off with him as he is planning to get married to that Riddhima when I am his legally wedded wife. He was looking at me with extreme anger. He never looked so angry. I was shivering because of his intense gaze on me.

He was about to say something but Naina interrupted us. Thank you so much Naina from saving me from answering Mr Rude's stupid questions.


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