Pepsi, Pizza, and Niall Horan

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Chapter 12

"C'mon Scar, you gotta talk to us." Niall sighed from his spot across from me. I shook my head and closed my eyes. 

"He can't get you, love. We have too much security for him to get through." Liam soothed. I sniffled and opened my eyes, facing the two boys. 

"I just don't want you guys to get hurt." I muttered. 

"He can't get us." Niall countered. 

"I told you before, Niall. He stops at nothing. He'll get me eventually, even if he has to get through you." 

"Scarlett, just stop worrying. Relax." Liam said. I nodded. 

"FOOD!" Louis' voice bellowed throughout the bus. I smiled and hopped up, dragging Liam and Niall into the kitchenette. 

"There's that beautiful smile." Harry winked and handed me my sandwich. 

"Hush, I'm eating." I growled and unwrapped my chicken sub from Wawa. He raised his hands and chuckled, continuing to hand out sandwiches. 

"So I talked to Paul and we're getting our hotel changed. Nobody knows about it, so you're safe." Zayn smiled at me and cracked open his Pepsi. But before he could take a sip out of it, Harry ripped it from his grip. 

"I'm Harry." he exclaimed, turning on his heel and chugging the soda. 

"Give me the Pepsi or you're out of the band." Zayn growled. 

"For real?" Harry quirked an eyebrow. 

"Yeah." the rest of the boys popped up behind Zayn. Harry handed Zayn the soda and the five of them began singing. 

"What the hell?" I asked, dropping my sub onto the table. 

"You had to be there." Niall smirked and plopped in the seat next to me. I shook my head and continued eating. 

"How can you just eat a plain chicken sandwich? Don't you put ketchup on it or something?" Louis questioned. 

"Ew. No, plain chicken is the way to go." I responded and took another bite. 

"So strange." 


"Niall." I whispered, shaking the sleeping boy. He didn't budge. "Niall!" 

"Hmm?" he moaned, not opening his eyes.

"I'm hungry. Let's go get food." 

"I'm sleeping. Go away." he grunted and flipped over. 

"Pwease." I pouted. 

"I'm sleeping, I can't hear you or see you." he muttered. I groaned and slapped his bare back. 

"I hate you. I would get up at 2 am to get pizza for you." I sighed and walked away. 

He won't go with me to get food, I'll go myself. With that, I grabbed my sweater and key card, storming out of the hotel. Hugging my sweater tighter to me, I jogged across the street into the small grocery. I skipped through the aisles, looking for a frozen pizza. 

Finally, I found it. But of course it was on the top shelf and I'm short, so I couldn't reach it. 

"Really? I just want pizza!" I whined. Suddenly, a hand reached up and grabbed it for me. "Thank you!" 

I took the pizza and turned around. Halfway down the aisle, I turned back around to look at the person's face. But whoever it was wasn't there anymore. I sighed and walked to the register. 

"Don't you get scared working in here at night?" I asked the middle aged man. He shrugged and rung up my things. 

"I'm used to it." he answered. "$4.35." 

I handed him the money and left the store. 

"Pizza. Pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A. It's pizza!" I sang. 

"You can run, but you can't hide. I told you that sweetheart." he whispered behind me. 

And just like that, I was whisked away from my fairytale life and thrown into my regular, painful life.

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