The Final Trial:Envy(Part 1)

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Jackie arrived in the garden of Envy, ready for these trials to end at last. This garden was more eerie than the other ones. It felt like an inverted version of the Roswaal mansion. Jackie made her way through the front door, meeting Satella in a throne room.

The witch of Envy stood up from her throne, a black veil over her head as she smiled at Jackie. "Welcome to my garden. You have been through a lot over these past few days. Please, have a seat." Satella said, as she snapped her fingers, a chair appearing in front of the crimson haired vampire. Jackie sat on the chair, smiling at the witch of Envy while she waited for her to say something.

A grey haired Oni poured Jackie a cup of coffee, placing it on the table in front of her while Satella returned to her throne. "Thanks for the coffee." Jackie said, as she sensed a great deal of conflict within the Oni. "This is Rem. She's not the Rem from your timeline. She's from a timeline where she wasn't consumed by Ley Batenkaitos. She killed you in that timeline. As far as I know, that version of Jackie wasn't revived using the power of Return By Death." Satella explained, as Envyrem stood next to the witch of Envy.

"That's impossible...." Jackie said, as she crossed her arms. "Nothing is impossible, Jacqueline." Envyrem said, glaring at the crimson haired vampire. "What's wrong with her?" Jackie asked, as Satella sighed, as she snapped her fingers, showing Jackie the moment when Envyrem fell out with her Jackie. "You called her selfish because she wasn't there for her. You also called her unforgivable, and you blamed her for Yuno's death, and you berated her because she put her loyalty to Subaru-kun at the forefront." Satella explained, as Jackie looked at Envyrem.

"That was my fault. I was still reeling from Yuno's death. And my emotions were all over the place. I originally was planning to come to the mansion so that you could cheer me up, but then I lost my memory of you before I could make the preparations to visit you, because of Ley." Jackie explained, trying to get on Envyrem's good side. The archbishop of Envy stared at Jackie, as she tried to process what she just said. "So you're not a selfish piece of garbage then? That's a surprise." Envyrem replied, as she smiled at Jackie.

Jackie wanted to get on with this trial, but first she wants to try and form a friendship with Envyrem.

To be continued...

Zeroverse: The Witch TrialsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora