The Thirteenth Trial: Obsession

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Jackie arrived into the garden of Obsession, noticing that it was slightly different from what it looked like when she first came to this garden. "It's not like it was before, but I like it." Jackie said, as she saw the witch of Obsession sitting at the base of the large cherry blossom tree, leaning against it.

"I'm glad that you like it. Welcome back to my garden." Obsession said, before Jackie sat down next to her. "Why are you hiding your appearance? I don't understand." Jackie asked, noticing the black veil on the witch of Obsession.

"You don't need to worry about that, Jacqueline. Let's focus on the trial." She replied, smiling at the crimson haired vampire. "Do you have anything to tell me? Any dark secrets, perhaps?" Obsession asked, smiling at Jackie. "I haven't told anybody about this, but ever since I remembered who Rem was after Ley consumed her, I've developed an obsession for his demise. Ram may have killed him but I have a feeling that he will come back, somehow." Jackie said, sighing. "I believe that he might come back too. It's only a matter of time. Just move on from that Obsession for his death, because you have more important things to worry about." The witch said, as she opened the portal.

"I don't even need to ask if you've moved on from it, because I know that you have moved on. Daphne is waiting for you. Goodbye, my friend." Obsession said, as Jackie stood up. "Goodbye, Obsession." Jackie replied, before the witch suddenly kissed her. Jackie went through the portal, blushing as she thought about the kiss. The taste felt familiar to her, but also very foreign.

The portal closed behind her, leaving the witch of Obsession alone with her thoughts.

To be continued...

To be continued...

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