"Wait. So we can't see each other agai-". "OH MAH GOD MY BOOTIFUL FRIEND ARE YOU OK" you were cut by Sakura slamming the door open startling the poor male. She rushed over to your side pushing Kuroo out of the way. Kuroo looked so surprise that his mouth was dangling open. You softly laugh as you answered her, " I am fine dummy". She looked relieved as she tugged her hair behind her ears to prevent any of it from reaching her stunning blue eyes. "Okay so where are m-" you were once cut off again by the voice of Lev yelling your name. "(Y/N)-CHANNNNNNN" he came running into the room. He hugged you crashing your rib cage which you hope did not break. "LEV WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING SHE IS A GIRL" Yaku yelled as he turned on "kicking Lev" mode. Yamamoto and the other guys came followed by Kenma playing video games.

The next thing you knew was you guys were laughing and joking each other around. "So...(Y/N) chan is leaving meaning that she cannot teach us her weird volleyball moves anymore" Lev sighed sadly. The room went silent. Yaku glared at Lev and said, "Lev out of all 171,476 words in English why on earth do you chose to say that sentence." "Because it's true and you all know that" Lev pouted. The room went deadly silence as if nothing exists anymore. "Ahem." you heard someone by the door and you knew who it was judging by the voice. Dad. "Can I talk to (Y/N) alone?" your dad asked. You could feel the boys glaring at your father which he uncomfortably shifted at. "It's okay you guys can go" you said smiling but you know it's not okay.

 Your mind was screaming "NO ARE YOU STUPID THEY CAN PROTECT YOU". "Let's just go" Kuroo said as he brought his teammates out of the room leaving you with Sakura and your father. Sakura was glaring so intensely that you thought her eyes were going to pop out of her eyes socket. "I won't do anything" your dad said smiling nervously. "It's okay go" you whispered at her. "Hmph fine but if something happened call my name and I will not hesitate to show off my ninja moves" she said as she walked of the door flipping her hair. Your dad sighed as he sat beside you. 

"You are going to Mi-" you dad was cut off by you asking. "Why?". "It's for-"he tried to answer but was cut off again. "For my own good?" you asked your voice cracking. You didn't want to leave Tokyo it was the only place where your friends are. Where your true friends are. You love the volleyball team. "I am sorry but it was your mother decision" you father exclaimed trying to calm you down. "Oh. It's always my mother's decision" you said coldly. Your voice steady but deadly. Your father gulped. He knew what's going to happen when your voice changed suddenly like that. "I am leaving. Take care of yourself while you are in Miyagi. You are leaving next week." your father said coldly. "Oh and-" he was about to lecture you but backed off when he saw your cold and deadly glare. 

"Never mind but remember you are now a disappointment to us" your father said as he left. Sakura immediately came into the room after he left. "Well that was pretty harsh. You okay?" she asked worried. You looked down, "I-" you tried to say something anything but you couldn't your voice cracked as you looked back at her. Sakura looked like she saw a ghost, "Um I am going call Kuroo" she said as she took of running to Kuroo to save her life since she doesn't know how to deal with these situation. As Sakura shut the door your heart hurt a lot that all the pain welled up inside you came out as drops of tears escaped your eyes. Just in time Kuroo opened the door to see you crying your eyes out. 

Kuroo came over to you, "Hey...it's okay, come here" he wrap his arms around your waist. You were facing his chest and it was warm, warmer than anything else even the principal office. You buried your face in his chest feeling so comfortable that you stop crying and the next thing you know you were peacefully sound asleep in his arms.As you were sleeping, Kuroo got of your bed and gave you a quick peck on the forehead and smiled, "Sweet dream small fry" he then left the room. 

You woke up to the sound of Bokuto yelling, "HEY HEY HEY". You groaned looking at the tall figure beside you. You swear that the ceiling use to be white how did it become black. You thought you became color blind or something. That's when you notice you were not in the hospital since you notice the small white dots at the ceiling. You weren't looking at the ceiling you were looking at the night sky. Due to the tall buildings in Tokyo, you couldn't see the sky that often. "Seriously I told you to shut it" Akasshi scolded Bokuto. But you didn't care you were too busy staring at the night sky. The star shone like diamonds making the dim moon stand out in the sky. The night was really quiet but peaceful as you could hear creaking and buzzing around you. 

"But Agasshi, the sun is about to come up!" Bokuto pouted. As you were admiring the sky you felt someone lay down beside you. You looked around to find all of your friends there, you saw Kenma right around the corner looking at the sky. Your friend Sakura dancing with Lev even though there is no music. Yaku talking with Akasshi and of course Bokuto eating. The rest of the team either went home or were scared off by Sakura. "Oh LOOK AGAASHII IT'S A SHOOTING STAR!" Bokuto yelled. "Bokuto you still make a wish when you see shooting stars?" Kuroo teased Bokuto. Kuroo's voice was so close you flinched when he teased Bokuto. He was the one laying down next to you. "Oh look it's time!" Kuroo said looking at you. "Have you even see the sun rise?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You look at him and mouthed the word thank you. He smiled back and whispered, "Your welcome" to your ears quietly. 

You sat up and Kuroo did the same as everyone gather around the see the beautiful sun rise. The moon and the stars started to fade as the sun's light started to take place. You laid your head on Kuroo shoulder and admired the view. The sun shone a color of red, orange and gold making the sky look so beautiful it took your breath away. Thank you for everything you guys you quietly whispered as you smiled. Little do you know that all of them heard you and couldn't stop smiling as the rosy sun started to take place onto the sky. Even though you couldn't spent much time it was the best thing that happened in your lifetime. "Let's TAKE A PHOTO" Sakura screamed which made almost everyone flinched even poor Kenma who was just trying to take a photo of the view. 

"OKAYY" Lev yelled. You have no idea how Sakura and Lev became so close all of the sudden but you got up and joined them. In the end, Kenma was forced to joined the group photo and Sakura set up the camera and yelled "In 5!" and she ran back into the group accidentally bumping into you making you fell down but luckily Kuroo catch you by the waist. Click. The camera took a photo of the accident. You could feel your face burning up as you break free from his grip. He looked so red that his face looks like a tomato. "oMg I aM so SOrry, are you ok??" Sakura asked as she apologize. "I-I u-um" you tried to say something but your brain was still processing of what just happened. "L-Let's take another one" Kuroo said trying to forget what just happened. 

The next 7 days were the best days in your life. 

"When I leave don't forget me, okay?" you told them.

"Like I would ever forget the most trouble-making girl in history" Kuroo replied as he smirks.

"Blahh meanie" you replied as you stick your tongue out at him.

"We are now destined at the Miyagi Prefecture" the speaker said. You looked at your phone where you set your lock screen into the picture you guys took at the sun rise. You smiled as you carried your bags and walked out of the train. "Welp here I am, now how do I go to Karasuno Highschool.." you asked yourself with a blank face as you wander off helplessly and lost. 


Hello! Wait did you actually read until here? Omg thank you so much then. Welp I am so gonna fail math TwT. But seriously thank you and I don't know if you wanna read the next chapter but i think i am gonna finish the next chapter in the next two days or something like that. My fingers are dying :). I was going to finish this chapter yesterday but unfortunately my brain stopped working so I had to finish it today. Aight I ma go now my next class is going to start soon. Have a nice day/afternoon/night! 

 Have a nice day/afternoon/night! 

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