Lovers in Los Angeles

Start from the beginning


  The next day we arrived home to see my house a mess. I wanted to break their necks. We looked all over the house but they weren't here. I told Oni to go and check her house to see are they over there. When I tell you that my house look like a tornado went through it, I'm not lying. She walked back over pissed off.

"What's wrong baby?"

"My kitchen over there look a fucking mess. Like they just jumped from house to house fucking up."

"This don't make no sense like did they have a party."

"That's what I wanna know. They better..." In walks Solo, Ash and our kids.

"Mommy! Dada!" Alyssa and Jay ran to us.

"Hey babies. Have you been good for your aunties?" I asked.

"Fuck no they are some god damn devils!" Solo yelled.

"Is this why my house look like this?" I asked.

"And why is my kitchen a mess?!" Oni asked.

"They woke up before us and we started hearing shit slam shut. We walked downstairs to see them throwing a fit because y'all wasn't here." Solo said looking like she was getting pissed all over again.

"And your kitchen is a mess because while Solo was gone to go get cleaning supplies they said they were hungry and when I walked in the kitchen they were throwing shit out the refrigerator. We're not watching them devils again." Ash stated

"So y'all acted a fool while me and mommy were gone?" I asked looking at them with a scowl.

"Sowey Dada. No pop pop pwease." Alyssa said pouting with tears in her eyes. I grabbed them and started walking upstairs.

"No babe she said sorry." Oni pleaded. I looked at her and she let me go while they started crying. After I whooped them and put them in their beds I went downstairs to see Oni on the couch with tears in her eyes.

"Why you whoop them BB? They said sorry. Did you kill my babies?" Oni asked.

"They are fine. You're the reason they act like that."

"So, they are babies."

"They are devils. Now let it go. Anyways Solo when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Why can't you just stay? I don't want you to go." Ash said holding onto Solo.

"I will be home before you know it love. You can also come and visit me. If you want you can come and stay with me."

"Stop trying to take my best friend!" Oni yelled.

"I'm not I just want my baby with me. Now what do you say love, will you come with me?" Solo asked.

"Sure baby I will come with you."

"Noooooo!" Oni yelled. I grabbed her and took her in the kitchen.

"Why are you acting like that?"

"She's taking me best friend. Why can't she get her own best friend?" She huffed crossing her arms.

"Stop acting like a spoiled brat. She's not stealing your best friend she is trying to stay close to her wife. The same way you try to stay close to yours."

"I know but I'm gonna miss her so much."

"I know now go out with her for the day so y'all can say see you later your way."

"Ok baby. Thank you for our amazing date." She said kissing me.

"You are welcome my Queen. Now go on before I have you calling my name in this kitchen."

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