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This will be updated along with any other story I post here. And just to clear anything up, these stories are also posted on AO3, if you should question that.

A lot of my stories have sad endings, and there is both deaths, mentions of child abuse, mentions of underage sex and smut somewhere in here. Nothing is described in detail(except the smut), as my writing mostly focuses on feelings, and not the action happening around it.

Please leave me a comment or something, I'd love to hear your opinion on my writing!

1 - It's not fair - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(How Tony deals with the loss of his loved one)

2 - How to catch and keep a spider - by deadpool - Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
(How Peter and Wade stumbles their way through life together)

3 - Beloved husband, nephew, friend and hero - Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
(How Wade deals with losing his husband)

4 - 5 Times Peter Parker almost killed someone - Peter Parker/Ned Leeds
(Don't mess with a pissed off spider)

5 - How Spider-Man met the avengers
(Peter is a clumsy starstrucked idiot)

6 - Just another field trip story - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Peter has a field trip, flash is an ass, Pepper is teasing and Tony is a sweetheart)

7 - Don't close your eyes - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Iron man has retired, but doesn't hesitate to wear the suit once more when Peter calls for help)

8 - I don't do relationships - Peter Parker/Tony Stark (Peter thinks that maybe Tony has misunderstood their agreement, and perhaps communication should be higher on the priority list?)

9 - I can't do this anymore, Happy - Peter Parker/ Happy Hogan
(Peter finally gets the chance to grieve the loss of his very illegal boyfriend after almost a year, and all his secrets is spilled by his latest villain. Happy is there to help him get through it, even if he feels sick just thinking about it)

10 - It just takes time - Peter Parker/Pepper Potts (Tony is snapped, Peter and Pepper bonds over the loss and grows closer when Peter helps Pepper with her pregnancy and raising her daughter. What does Tony think when he comes back five years later and finds his mentee has taken over his life?)

11 - I don't need your blessing - Peter Parker/James Rhodes (Peter and Rhodey has been in a secret relationship for three years, not wanting to mess up everything with Tony after he lost everyone during civil war. But they can't exactly move things forward and still keep it a secret. Dealing with a confused and jealous Tony was not how they wanted to spend their day, though)

12 - I wanted you to be better
(Happy finds Peter after the plane crash in Spider-Man Homecoming)

13 - We have one more day - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Peter is injured, Tony is just in time --or just too late)

14 - They deserved it (but I don't) - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Tony visits Peter in jail)

15 - It's not enough - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Tony cheating on Pepper with Peter)

16 - Nothing changed (Everything changed) - Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
(Peter and Harry's relationship over the years.)

17 - Let's hang out sometime - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Whumptober 2020 - waking up restrained)

18 - In the hands of the enemy - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Whumptober 2020 - kidnapped)

19 - Please, stop - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Whumptober 2020 - please, no more, is something burning, medieval)

20 - Breaking hearts - Peter Parker/Tony Stark
(Whumptober 2020 - breaking down, grief)

21 - At least he's happy - Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
(Peter's relationship with Harry with a side dish of a pining Tony)

I take requests, if you have an idea, don't hesitate to give it to me! As long as Nick Fury stays far away, I'm not picky.

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