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Ok to people reading this thankyou for waiting hah and some of you guys put this story on your reading lists and I'm so happy ehehe, sorry if I haven't updated that much I guess  I was just busy with school stuff, it's just been a week and I'm already stressed to the max anyways I'm sure you don't want me to talk more so on to the story!

"Hi" Kayano said as she entered Nagisa's apartment with a smile, she was wearing her brown dress and black skirt with her hair ties up in a pony tail

Nagisa let her enter and Kayano looked around his place
"Well it sure is homey here" she complemented as she sat down
"Thanks again for the invite, it's been a while since I've been at a friend's house ya know? Being a celebrity has its pros but also it's cons"

Nagisa chuckled "Like being mobbed by a crowd by just walking down a street?"

"You said it, That's why most days I just spend my time at home, it's hard being popular, although I love what I am now, don't you feel the same? You like who you are right now right Nagisa? Being a teacher really suits you"

"Thanks, I do, even with my students being the rowdy bunch they are, I enjoy teaching them, they do underestimate me sometimes"

"Is it because of your height?"

"Oh Ha Ha, I'm not that short you know"

"I didn't say anything about you being short, you said that to yourself" she stuck out her tongue and teased him

Minutes passed by and they kept teasing each other, both having a great time with each other's company

"Oh! How about we watch a movie! I've wanted to watch this movie for a long time too!" Kayano said excitedly as she pulled out her phone

She searched for something and her eyes sparkled once she saw what she was looking for, she showed Nagisa the screen and squealed
"Why don't we watch Kubo and the two strings?! I know it's already old, but I haven't had the chance to watch it, I only heard of it from a friend this week, so can we please pretty please watch it?"
Nagisa swore he saw stars in her eyes as she practically begged him to watch the movie
And he really couldn't say no to her after all she is Kayano
"Sure why not , you're lucky I actually have the movie"
Kayano gasped "Really?! Wow, that's great! Go on then play it pretty pleeeeease"

Nagisa sweat dropped , for some grown up she sure acts like a kid sometimes , but it's kinda cute

"Ok ok, let me get it for you then, you can get something from the fridge if you want, I know you said that you didn't want me to buy anything but I just wanted to buy you some pudding, you are my guest"

"Awww ok then, I'll just get some water from the fridge"
She walked to Nagisa's fridge and opened it
"You sure have loads of snacks here"
She rummaged through the fridge

"Yeah, I have Karma here with me and some of the kids I tutor come around plenty of times so best be prepared"
Nagisa said as he was already in the couch with the movie in hand

Kayano giggled as she took a bottle of cold water from the fridge and chocolate flavored pudding
"You and Karma sure are close, well you always have been"
She closed the fridge's door and walked to the living room and sat next to the blue haired boy
" I remember how close you two were back at highschool, he can be a nice friend sometimes when he's not ya know teasing and pulling pranks on you"

"Yup, believe it or not some of the kids I tutor actually like him, he's pretty good with children"

"Wow really? That's interesting" she opened the water bottle and drank from it

"Well onto the movie then"


Nagisa bent down and placed the CD on the CD player

Then the movie started playing and Kayano with a huge smile started at the screen with anticipation

Then the main character appeared telling stories with his guitar , suddenly the paper started moving as he played the music and told the story

"Oooh it's already onto a great start"
Kayano squealed

"Well I watched this movie tons of times already so I'm not that excited at all anymore, I do like his music"

Then the scene where the aunt of Kubo finally meet him
"Well that's creepy, imagine having an aunt like that" Kayano said

"We had an octopus for a teacher Kayano, I don't think anything's more weird than that"

They both laughed
"Yeah I guess you are right, Come to think of it, I don't remember koro-sensei letting us watch any animated films back at the classroom back then, it was always assassinations or studying, hahaha"

Tons of minutes already passed and they were nearing the end of the movie

"I'm still not over the fact that he practically had his father and mother with him the entire time and didn't  even realize"

"Well, they were both a monkey and a bug so I don't think anyone would be realized"

"Still tho!"

When the movie ended it was already getting dark

"Wow I sure enjoyed that! Thanks for watching the movie with me Nagisa"

He nodded at her with a sweet smile
"Its no big deal, even though I watched the movie tons of times already, it was fun watching it again with you, your reactions are really cute " Nagisa said

But then he realized he just called her cute out if nowhere
And now she's a blushing mess
Nagisa also blushed and looked away
"Umm..ehe anyway, it's getting dark, how about we eat dinner, I can cook something for you" Nagisa suggested as he got up from his seat

"That would be nice , anything would be fine, I'll prepare the plates then"

Nagisa nodded and started to look for the ingredients for the food he was going to cook

"I hope you're fine with having some
Soba for dinner and a little bit of rice(For those who don't know what soba is it's  Buckwheat Noodles , also i don't know if soba is good with rice, but for me anything is good with rice)

"I'm fine with that"

When Nagisa finished he placed the bowl filled with soba and the bowl with rice on the center of his little table
The two sat down and started to eat

"Mmm you sure do make good soba Nagisa" she chewed her food with delight

"Well thank you, I often cook for myself so I do improve just a little bit"

"Ooh I'll was the dishes when we're done then , since you did all the cooking for us two" she volunteered

"It's fine, you're my gu-"

"Nope, you gave me pudding played me a movie I always wanted to watch and you cooked dinner for me, this is the least I can do you know, and don't use the I'm your guest excuse, that's not gonna work on me this time mister" she shook her head

"Well, if you insist then, thanks"

"No problem!"

"You know Kayano, I kinda miss eating together with you, remember those times where we would eat lunch together sometimes with our classmates back then?"

"Yup! Having a classroom on top of the hill had it's perks, I mean we got the place all to ourselves with nobody else that we don't like bothering us" she laughed

"You said it, I remember back then when our friends ditched the two of us and we were left together all alone ,and ended up sharing our lunches"

"Oh yeah! I remember that! Come to think of it you had soba for lunch that time!"

"Wait you remember that? That was a long time ago"

"Meh, blame it in my brain who doesn't forget any even I had with you" she blurted out all of a sudden

And then realized what she just said
And coughed "umm i- I mean uhh, ya know just forget I said that"


Sakura Nagikae FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora