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Hey, I'm still alive😀

6:54 am , Kayano woke up from a very much enjoyed sleep , but she felt something that cought her attention and what she saw made her frantically blush and flustered, beside her was the blue haired boy sleeping so peacefully with his body turned to her direction and his  left arm draped over her hips making him hug her in his sleep
Yeah this was adorable, who thought Nagisa was a huger? He's so cute when he's asleep
The brown haired girl thought
After about a few minutes she came out of bed slowly, Nagisa wasn't awake yet, and he just looks so peaceful so Kayano didn't want to wake him up, she crept towards Nagisa's bedroom door and opened it quietly making her way out and closing it leaving Nagisa inside all alone in his room.
"Good morning Ms Popstar"
She was startled and greeted by non other than Karma once she made her way to Nagisa's living room
Karma seemed to have been awake for a long time now and as usual he had a sort of smirk sort of smile plastered on his face, she really couldn't tell
"Good morning to you too Karma, how's the hangover? You're head ok?"
He nodded standing up from the couch he was sitting on and walked to the kitchen
"Yeah, thanks for the concern , now what would you and your boyfriend like to eat? I can cook for you guys"

She began to think of what would be a nice breakfast then suddenly she cought on to what Karma had said
Karma snickered
"Oh please don't deny it, You think I don't know what's going on between you two? Remember Kayano when we were in highschool I helped you with giving him chocolates, and I may or may have not seen you guys cuddle on Nagisa's bed earlier when I woke up"

"Y-you what?!"

"Shhh, blue boy's still sleeping don't wanna wake him up would you?
And hey it isn't my fault you guys don't shut the door properly, I kindly closed it for you, you guys should thank me, also"

He had this mischievous look on his face(like always) but this looked like he had something up his sleeve

And well he did..

He pulled out his phone and oh.. yeah this was very much expected from Akabane Karma

On his phone gallery was 23 pictures of her and Nagisa cuddling on his bed sound asleep

"Aww look at these two love birds, hmm we should share this love to the world right? Want me to post this in Facebook Kayano?"

"Why are you like this..."

"I was born this way Kayano chan, I'm quite amused you know? Seeing my two best friends having a cuddle session on a bed with me and my phone just prepared to take pictures of you guys, you shouldn't be upset, I even deleted most of the pictures,ya know since you're upset I guess I won't post them after all what a shame" he faked pouted

"There were more?!"

"Shhh you'll wake up the little blue boy, and of course there were more , now excuse me back to my question, what would you like for breakfast we're getting off topic here, a meal won't cook itself ya know?"

Kayano sighed, no matter how much she disliked the idea of Karma having pictures of her and Nagisa she knows that there was no convincing him, he's a hard nut to crack and he likes his games

Why were they friends again?

"Good morning guys" Nagisa smiled at the two as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him

"Good morning Nagisa-chan"
Karma said

"I'm making you guys breakfast since you kindly took care of me last night,I can be a very nice person you know"

Very doubtful those were the words on both Kayano and Nagisa's head


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