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I'm back from the dead eyyyyy
Anyways  I don't have an excuse for not updating that much cuz...I'm not a very productive person
But please know I love u guys a lot and yeah thanks for reading  oh yeh
Let's do a little flashback hahaha

He remembered the conversation he had with his mother when he graduated from high school, all three of them were seated in a nice restaurant waiting for their meal to be served
Nagisa didn't know how they came to the topic of love but they just did, he didn't want to change the subject and let his mother do the talking with his dad giving chuckles and nods and just agreeing, it was the first time he'd seen his parents not argue and it was such a nice feeling, a feeling he longed for for so many years now

"Nagisa, remember sweetie, I know that love is very hard to imagine in a life like yours, you've been such a good son to me and your dad" Shee looked at him, smiling at him and quickly looking back to her son

"You've been doing so well in your studies and working hard for a dream I know will come true"

At this he smiled, compliments were nice when they're given to you by your mom
He realized that now

"And I know I've never been the best person to show affection..but Nagisa, please don't let me be the one who makes you question love in your life"

He shook his head and looked at his parents who were sitting at the opposite side of the table as him

"You two don't know how much I appreciate you guys, Mom I know that  you feel guilty for your past behaviors and I know you do too dad, but I'm not questioning love, I know when it comes to me ill experience a really nice feeling"

"Speaking of love, I saw that Kayano girl with you today, I was just wondering if-" his father was grinning until his mother nudged him lightly
"Oh shush, I told you not to mention that- Look at him! He's growing red!" his mother interrupted

He's red? Great
His parents just found out he was shy about a girl
Somehow he can sense the teasing his father is holding back

He quickly removed the blush from his face and looked in another direction

"Let's just talk about something else..." He said shyly

"Of course of course, wouldn't want you to look like a tomato now would we?" His father chuckled and to that he just avoided eye contact completely and nodded

After their little meal Nagisa went for a walk for a while, it was about 5 pm, and he was walking to the nearest candy shop
He went where his feet would take him, it was only a couple of blocks away from his home and they sold great sweets, atleast that's what the children would say

He entered the shop with the smell of chocolates and other sweets, it was a lovely little shop

He didn't expect it to have that many  costumers since it was only packed at mornings and not afternoons

And he didn't expect to see a familiar face at the candy Yahoo either


She knew of this place? How come he never saw her once?

He was at the door and his brain immediately told him to get out of the store
A sudden feeling if shyness because of him and his parents conversation earlier made its way up to his train of thoughts

And she was looking rather lovely this evening, her pigtails were replaced with a ponytail, she was smiling at the shop keeper as she bought a pack of candies

He didn't want to start a conversation with her at the moment

The first time he ever felt shy because of her

What the hell is happening to him?

I should just walk back home
And so he did
Well he RAN back home
Why? He didn't know either

When he reached his destination and found himself in his living room, with only his mother sitting there drinking a cup of tea, he assumed his father must've left already
She looked up at him and smiled
"Oh dear, you're back, what is it?"

"C-can you tell me..what you.."

He was stuttering
His mother knew he was nervous
But still she was curious

"Can I tell you what?"

"Can you tell me..what you felt like..when you were in love?"

Her eyes grew wide
She was shocked
She blinked a few times and looked at her son finally understanding the situation

"Of course "

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