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...heh hi

It was Friday, and some would be very happy because of that, including Nagisa's students
Oh they were over the moon when this time of the week comes
And so was Nagisa, yes he would still have to make lesson plans, and he did still have to check their assignments and quizzes , it was a hard job being a teacher , and he was sure every teacher would agree to that

It was already late in the afternoon, and thankfully his classes ended early , after he said his goodbyes to his class he packed his stuff up and left the classroom  , he wasn't the type to stay in his workplace a lot, some teachers don't often see him in the teacher's lounge where mostly every teacher would be when it was break time or after classes

But Nagisa doesn't see the importance of going their, he didn't dislike the teachers, he just wanted to get back home

It was more comfortable working in his place than a desk somewhere else

Just then he felt his phone vibrate from his pocket
He pulled it out and went to check his messages


Hey Nagisa! Hope you had a nice day
😊 Anyways just wanted to check in if you're still free for the next meetup

-of course, wouldn't want to miss it this time

That's great! We'll see you there then, unfortunately I can't talk much , I still have a fan signing event I have to deal with

-Ok, bye Kayano san, good luck on your fan signing even, hope everything goes smoothly
And after that don't forget to rest
Don't want you to be tired now would we?

Yeah thanks 💖

When Nagisa reached his place he went to his room and rested on his bed for atleast a few minutes

It was a quite afternoon, just like any other, nothing quite important going on but Nagisa quite enjoyed this
Well it would've been better if he had someone by his side

And no matter how hard he denied it, the first person he thought that person would be was Kayano

Nothing's changed..it was just like highschool all over again

Even though Nagisa didn't showed that much affection for the once green haired female
He enjoyed her company and treasured those little moments that he spent with her

He was lucky he has. Someone like her
Lucky he had met her in the first place
Not many get the pleasure of meeting Kaede Kayano , her actual true self, no cameras, no make up, no acting
Just her having fun

Karma was always trying to find ways for Him and Kayano to be close
And that just made him deny his feelings back then
I mean Karma was just joking, like he always is, and that thing he felt for her back then was just the result of Kqrma's teasing

Well damn was he wrong
None of that was just Karma's teasing

He got up from his bed and walked to his kitchen, thought he'd prepare a nice cup of coffee for himself
When he finished making it he took the cup with him and walked to his living room.

Besides Kayano, there was something else on his mind
He's going through something
But he's karma , he can't really tell people what his problems are, even if you are his best friend

But besides those troubled thoughts of Karma there was still something that Nagisa chuckled at
That sneaky red head knew everything, the benefits of being the best friend of both Kayano and Nagisa
He knew they both liked each other from the very beginning
Nagisa bets he was struggling to keep his mouth shut
He was lucky back then since Karma atleast knew how to keep himself together but now, he just lived for the fun of laughing at the embarrassed look on both the blue and green haired couple

Come to think of it, Karma was probably done with work now,

-you done with work yet?

To his surprise Karma answered quite quickly

-Just finished a meeting with some annoying people, couldn't stop bragging about their money, it's a miracle they actually ended the meeting this early

-That's great, Kayano checked in with me earlier actually, asking me if I was free for the meeting still, of course I said yes, I just want to know if you're still interested in comming

6:53 pm
Yeah, It won't be fun without Karma Akabane wouldn't it? I wouldn't miss it this time

-that's great, I'll see you then

6:53 pm
-yeah yeah blueberry, hope you and miss pudding won't be that lovey dovey at the meet up, I want you guys to be together but please too much of a couple's sweetness makes me want to throw up

-...why are you my best friend again...

6:55 pm
- because you love me-🤭


If that isn't the most Nagisa emoji, then I don't know what is


-Ok got to go, bye👋

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