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It was seven in the morning and the sun was already up but Kayano wasn't in her apartment anymore which was weird because she normally wakes up at maybe ten when she doesn't have anything planned
"I hope you don't mind me visiting big sis" Kayano smiled at the tomb of her elder sister right before her
"Didn't really get to visit that much huh? Huhu I'm sorry, please don't haunt me because your upset I love you and all but I don't want you visiting me from the afterlife haha" she laughed awkwardly
Kayano rarely visits her sister because of her job and other stuff that seem to make her busy but when she does visit she enjoys it and would just tell her sister how she's been
But right now she had a certain topic she would like to discuss with her

"I wonder, how did it feel when YOU learned to love sis? You know with koro sensei and all that, did you feel a spark? Or fireworks in the air? I know you've only been together for a brief period of time, and most of those times a glass wall was parting the both of you but still..you loved him, didn't you? Sis, I don't really know what love was for you because you never talked about it with me but I wish we could've , I found someone I love big sis, haha so be proud, your little sister here finally found someone who cought her attention and actually admitted her feelings to that person"
It was the first time Kayano ever admitted her feelings for somebody
Why? Simple , she didn't even have someone she liked until she met Nagisa
Huh cliche right? A girl finding her o e and only love because she was a single pringle for all of her life
"Yeah I haven't talked about him , but guess who it is? It's one of your students in 3-E , Nagisa Shiota, I think you might now him" Kayano smiled
"Don't worry tho , I didn't really dated him when we were in highschool, because I remember back then that you wouldn't stop telling me how I should stay single until I'm at a certain age, but now I graduated sooo yeh I mean....I g-gues I can d-date h-wait what the heck am I saying?!",
She blushed
D-date Nagisa? Holy
Being in a relationship with him..
Kayano shook her head
'No Kayano stop thinking about that'
'still..it would be nice-'
'am I actually talking to myself?'
Kayano sighed
How can she date someone when just the thought of it sends her blushing beat red like a  tomato
"Well" she looked at her sister's tomb for the last time
"I'll get going now, I'll visit you when I can sis, so yeah, I'm serious about the 'dont visit me from the afterlife thing's please don't do that
I love you and please continue to watch over me, I'm still your little sister after all"
Kayano blew a kiss to the tomb
"Bye for now"

                8:00 am

Nagisa's POV

It was already 8:00 in the morning, I woke up early as usual and made my way to the grocery store, I was out of sugar, salt, and I guess I'll buy some ramen as well
Oh wait, I remember I have to buy Kayano some pudding
I entered the store and bought the things I needed
When I reached the aisle with the pudding in it I wondered what flavor she would like
Hmm I'll just get chocolate and strawberry
I took the two and made my way to the cashier
But I bumped into Mrs.Sakamoto , she lived just across my apartment and I used to tutor her grandchild  Kaori
Mrs.Sakamoto and I were friends and she would always invite me if she would have a birthday party for Kaori

"Oh Nagisa, it's nice seeing you today , you woke up early as usual"
I smiled and greeted her with a bow
"Yes maam, I just had ti buy some stuff here, I'm actually expecting a guest later so I'm just buying her her favorite food"

Mrs.Sakamoto smiled at me and patted my shoulder "oh my it's a girl! Nagisa have you got yourself a girlfriend young man?" She chuckled

I blushed and laughed "well she isn't my girlfriend, but I do like her"

"Ooh, I bet she likes you too, your a good kid Nagisa, who wouldn't like you? Well I got to get going now, Kaori is waiting for me back at home with Rufus"
Rufus was Kaori's dog that she took in from the streets with my help
"Ok then, see you around Mrs.Sakamoto"
"You too Nagisa, good luck with the girl, I hope you'll end up becoming a couple soon"
I blushed even more "y-yeah I guess"

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