Fukase x Reader: As the Leaves Fall

Start from the beginning

One day, almost a month later, he has a small drawstring bag with him. When you approach him, he stands up and looks at you boredly. "Your hair is terrible. Want me to fix it up for you?"

You nod shyly because you barely ever let anyone touch your hair, except for when it's getting cut. He motions for you to sit down and you sit where you can look up to the maple tree. The leaves are falling everywhere now, and soon there won't be any left.

Fukase opens his bag and runs a hand through your hair, then starts brushing it. "Your hair is tangled, Y/N. You should brush it every time you shower. And use a little more shampoo, it's greasy."

You feel a little embarrassed as he gives you advice, but it stops mattering once he's quiet. You hear the wind in the trees and the birds, and it's almost like you could fall asleep...


When you open your eyes, you see two eyes above you. One is closed, relaxed. The other is wide open, no pupils, just bright red.

You recognize the scars on his face. You realize your head's in his lap.

You can't help but scream once you realize it.

He wakes up and stumbles back, an identical scream echoing from him. Once you catch your breath, you rub your eyes, making sure it wasn't a dream.

Fukase looks over at you, hurriedly putting the bandage back over his eye.

"I'm so sorry!" you cry, hugging yourself. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!"

"No, you're okay," he says. "I fell asleep too...and I'm sorry for not keeping that curse of an eye covered. You must hate me now, haha."

You look up at him curiously. "I...I really don't, Fukase. Were you born with that eye..?"

He looks at the ground. "Yeah. Disgusting, isn't it?"

You shake your head again. "I really like it, I think it's cool. It makes you look like some kind of superhero who's been through a lot."

He looks over at you and you see something odd- he curls his lips into a smile.

Fukase smiles at you.

He smiles at you, and it turns the world into a dreamland.

It's only then that you realize the time. You're late. Your parents are going to be upset...

You say goodbye to him and run all the way home, out of breath and panting when you arrive.

That night, before you go to bed, you think about him. You remember his bright red, unseeing eye, and the dreamlike feeling his smile gave him...and just before you fall asleep, a question makes its way into your mind.

Is this love?

He brushes your hair every day for a week after that, and gives you more care tips. You don't fall asleep on him again, but you still manage to make him smile. Every time he smiles, no matter how small it is, it gives you a burst of happiness. Your cheeks warm up and turn red, and it feels like a dream. His smile is a gift, a small piece of something bigger you'll probably never have...

On Monday the next week, he isn't there. He isn't there on Tuesday either. On Wednesday, you show up late, and he's sitting down under your tree with an envelope. Looking bored as usual.

"Fukase!" You smile at him as you come up, but it turns to a frown as you see the letter, sealed with a heart-shaped sticker. "Aw, who's the letter from?" you ask, putting on a teasing voice. "Your giiiiirlfriend? Or boyfriend. Um..."

He looks up and blushes, startled. "Actually, it's...it's for my crush, uh..."

He stands up and faces you, holding the letter out. "J-Just read it!! I have to go!"

Before he can run off, however, you grab him by his shirt and pull the letter open with your teeth. It's really short.

Dear Y/N, I just wanted to tell you I've had a crush on you for a while now. I really want to go on a date with you, even if you hate the idea of dating can we get a coffee sometime?

You can't help but laugh at the awkward note, and he looks absolutely mortified. Dropping the paper to the ground, you pull him closer to you. "Of course I'll go for a coffee with you, you jerk. How about right now?"

He looks surprised at first as you let him go, and then his cheeks turn bright red and he smiles at you. A real smile.

It's the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life.

He takes your hand and intertwines your fingers, and leads you down a bike path to a frozen yogurt place. It's not even coffee, but you don't care. He buys you both bubble tea and walks you home afterwards, and it's the happiest you've ever been in your life.

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