Chapter 33|| Karasuno

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Suga POV
~Month TimeSkip~
I was at my house typing on my computer trying to fix it "This is pointless" I picked up my phone and called Tsukishima "Hello I need your help my computer has a virus and I have something I need to take care of" he sighed "Just press ctrl+fn3 and it should restart your computer and get rid of all viruses but your stuff should still be there" I did what he said "Oh thank you" he hung up "So rude" I sighed and waited for my computer to restart. A lot has happened in the past month. Teddy is still working with Ushijima and we're still all at peace. Kurro and Bokuto seem to be doing well aaand I haven't had any complaints from Kenma about Kelsi witch I still can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. Everything seemed to be going well witch is never a good sign. I sighed. I just feel like something wasn't right "Hellooo motherrr" I sigh "Hello Hinata" he closes the front door "Sorry I didn't knock but I just wanted to chat" I closed my computer "What did you do" he sits next to me on the couch "Nothing I just may or may not have made a mistake" I sighed "Let me guess you forgot to buy milk after Kageyama told you four times" he nodded "And then he kicked me out and said I can't come back until I get milk but all the stores are closed" "So you want to stay tonight here" he nodded "That's fine" "Oh can I invite a few people over also" I sigh "Two people" "Are you ok? You know sighing is a sign of stress" "Hinata hurry before I change my mind" he hurried and pulled out his phone. After about 20 minutes there was a knock. Hinata got up and answered the door "Hellooo" he said "Why didn't you just come to my house instead of invading someone else's space" I heard the familiar voice say "Your right we can go to your house then" "It's pointless now" I walked to the front door "This is who you chose? Kenma and Kelsi" "Bokuto is out of town and Akaashi has been busy" "Excuse me" I heard Akaashi say from behind Kelsi "How about everyone come in" I say. They all walk in and sit down "Kelsi you've been quiet" Hinata says "Kenma told me not to say anything unless asked" I looked at Kenma "I didnt say that exactly" he said. I observed them for a second and saw how they were holding hands and sitting pretty close "You guys get comfortable I need to talk to Kenma" I stood up "Oh" Kenma said he stood up and said something to Kelsi that I couldn't hear before letting his hand go. We walked to the kitchen "What's wrong" Kenma asked "Is there something I should know" "There's no point pretending like I don't know what you mean" "Kenma are you really dating Kelsi" he looked away "Of course you would say that" he said "If this is about getting revenge then please stop" he looks at me annoyed "Kurro and I aren't together anymore so I have no reason to get revenge. I'm not dating Kelsi he's just attached to me" "And your also attached to him" Kenma sighed "Can we just leave it alone" he asked. "... I'm just worried" "About Kelsi hurting me? Your just like everyone else. Kelsi isn't a bad person he's just him. Everyone has flaws and if you can't see that then what kind of leader are you?" I licked my lips "Let's talk another time" I said walking out "Don't we have work tomorrow" I heard Akaashi ask. I sat down next to Hinata and Kenma sat next to Kelsi grabbing his hand and placing it on his lap "Yea so how about we just sleep" Kenma said "Kenmas right we aren't little kids. We have priorities" Akaashi says.Hinata frowned "Kelsi wants to right" he says "Kenma wants to sleep and I'm also tired. I'm sorry" "Ok then you guys can all share the guess room because no one is sleeping on my white couch" I say. They all nod and we all go our separate ways.

Hinata POV
I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was about 3am I slept in the bed with Kenma and Kelsi while Akashi was asleep in the chair since he said he wasn't planning on sleeping but he was the first one to fall asleep. I turned to see that Kenma and Kelsi were gone. I sat up Akashi was still there. I got up and opened the door. I walked out into the hallway and looked around "Kenma? Kelsi?" I whispered yelled. I turned the corner to bump into Kenma "Hinata have you seen Kelsi" he asked "I assumed he would be with you" I responded. Kenma seemed very worried. He clenched his fist "You need to help me find him before Suga wakes up" he said running downstairs. I followed behind him "Oh no" he said "My keys are gone" he ran over and looked outside "Are you looking for Kelsi" we both turned to see Akashi "I know where he is" he says. Kenma and I looked at each other when suddenly the door opened and in walked Kelsi "Kelsi" Kenma walked up to him but Kelsi backed away "I'm sorry you probably don't wanna touch me" he said walking past "Why not what did you do" I asked Kelsi was silent for a moment "You killed someone didn't you" Akashi said bluntly. Kenma and I looked at him and noticed his hands were stained red and he had a bruise on his face "Let's just forget about this. Kelsi go clean yourself up" Kenma said walking past us. Kelsi went upstairs and Kenma sat down "Akashi how did you know about Kelsi" I asked as we walked and sat down also "I meant to tell you but every night Kelsi leaves. I don't know exactly where he goes but I know what he does. I noticed when I came home late and I caught him cleaning a knife in the kitchen. I've caught him a few other times but we never really acknowledge it" "So what you've just been letting him go on a killing spree with my car and never thought of telling me? If someone catches him it's on our asses you know" "Let's not fight guys" I say trying to cool things down "My apologies that your serial killer boyfriend is doing what he does best. Kelsi isn't a child you can't control everything he does he's older than you to you know" "Since when have you become so childish Akashi why can't you just apologize like you always do" "Because we're grown men and it seems you've become used to me kissing your ass. Who do I look like. Unlike you I know how to do what needs to be done. Your trying to put Kelsi in his place when someone should really put you in yours" Kenma stood up "Why won't you do it" Akashi stood up also and they began to walk up to each other "Since I have permission" "Oh please you don't have the balls" "GUYS" I stood up "This is stupid what are you fighting for. We're friends not enemies. All everyone seems to do lately is let there emotions get in their way. If you guys don't stop we're gonna have to tell Suga" I said. They looked at me and then at each other "GO THE HELL TO SLEEP"Suga screamed from upstairs. We all flinched "Let's talk tomorrow" Akashi said walking upstairs I followed while Kenma stayed downstairs. I felt bad about what happened. I just went upstairs and lied back down falling asleep.

I sincerely hate everything I do like writing this story just to go on a two week hiatus to right a draft for a whole new story. I'm really lacking inspiration for this story and as sad as that is I may have to discontinue it but I MISSRD YOU ALL SO MUCH🥺💖

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