Chapter 18|| Nekoma

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Kelsi POV
I'm kinda gross. I was just sitting there thinking of all the reasons I hate myself. I looked at Kenma. He's so beautiful. I then looked at Kurro . He doesn't like me and it's obvious. I was so bored until Kurro left for a mission. After he closed the door I looked at Kenma "Hey Kenma" he looked over "What's your relationship with Kurro. I can tell that you two have a much stronger bond" he looked away "Why does it matter" he's right it's not my business. I shrugged "I don't know. It's not a requirement I'm just sayin" I turned around with my knees on the chair and started rocking back and fourth "Kelsi stop your gonna hurt yourself" but it was to late I leaned back but the chair didn't come with me and the chair fell down me going with it "Kelsi are you ok" Kenma jumped up "Yea I'm fine sorry about that" I got up putting the chair back "Kelsi your fingers are bleeding" I looked down at my hands. They were bleeding "Oh it's fine I must of hurt myself when the chair fell on my fingers" I smiled "I told you to stop. Here" he gave me some bandaids. I sat down in the chair and bandaged my fingers "Better" I looked at Kenma "How did you not feel that" "Huh" "If you didn't feel the pain of it cutting your fingers you still would have felt the chair smashing down on them" I shrugged "I felt it but it didn't hurt" he looked at me for a few second "Kelsi" he looked at me for a few more seconds "Do you not feel pain?" I thought about it "Not really. I mean things like simple cuts or burns I don't feel but if I got stabbed it would feel like how this should feel and if I got shot it would have the same pain as getting stabbed" he looked at me in shock "So you've been stabbed and shot" I nodded "I've been stabbed a lot and shot about three times. I was scratched on the face with a bullet as one and then I was shot in my thigh and then my right hand. As for being stabbed let just say when I first started murdering people I sucked at it" he looked interested like he wanted to hear more "What about your family" Family Huh "My mom is a doctor and my dad he doesn't work that's how it was when I left a long time ago. How long has it been" I hugged my knees "Don't worry I don't want any pity I'll be fine" "Why did you leave" I thought for a moment "I killed my neighbor. Never got caught for that but I left because I was so scared I felt I would surely be caught. I return to my family awhile back and they sent me to the asylum there I met some of the greatest people I've ever met in my life" "Were they your friends" "Not really well some were like Luciel. She hated me not a bone in her body was a happy one. She ended up falling in love with a blind girl. Irene she was my psychiatrist. I miss her to bad I won't be seeing her anymore. There was Kandie and Kirā and a few more people in my life. I'm gonna miss them" Kenma looked down "Aren't you afraid of being alone" "Not really. I have you now. I think you and I are gonna be really good friends. At least I hope so" I put my head down and closed my eyes. Would Kenma really ever be my friend. He seems like the type of guy who tolerates people and doesn't exactly use the word friend "Why did you agree to work here" I shrugged "Anything to get me out of that hell hole. Why are you here" he thought for a moment when suddenly the phone rang. He picked it up "Hello....yes sir bye" he hung up "We gotta go come on" I jumped up and we both left out. We got int the car and buckled up. Kenma held out his hand for me. I smiled and grabbed his hand as we drove off "Ok the run shouldn't be that hard. Our target is Odysseus and Senon Parker. Two red heads. One is a hacker the other is a con artist" "They have perfect names. Odysseus created the Trojan horse during the Trojan war and Sinon gave him the idea" I looked at Kenma who was not amused "Sorry" "As I was saying. We aren't killing them we are kidnapping them. If you see anyone other then the red heads don't hesitate to kill them" "This is gonna be to much fun" "Kelsi I need you to promise me you won't get carried away" I looked out the window "Don't worry I know how to control myself. I promise" "Cool cuz we're here" he stopped the car and let my hand go "Here don't hurt yourself" he gave me a gun but he didn't let it go "That's yours don't lose it or let it go" I nodded. He let it go and I gripped it in my hand turning and looking "It's been so long. Alright I'm ready" I pulled my fingerless gloves down and opened the door "You need a hand" I turned and aimed my gun at whoever the person was "Wait don't shoot" he screamed "Be quiet. He's with us Kelsi" I lowered the gun "Oh sorry about that" "This is Hinata and Kageyama. Their gonna help us so don't shoot them either" "I promise. Sorry about that. I'm Kelsi" "I'm Hinata and this is my partner Kageyama" "We're waisting time come on" Kageyama said brushing past Kenma and I. This is gonna be fun

I got chapters on chapters bro I'm posting and I'm ready. I'm far ahead and I'm so happy. Thank you for reading bye

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