Chapter 31|| Fukurodani

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Bokuto POV
We had just pulled up to the party. Kurro and I got out and helped the ladies out "So Bex you know the plan just get in hang out and then we'll leave I promise" Bex nodded "Ok let's do this" Kurro said. I took Kiu and Kurro took Bex and we more or less split up to look for Saki "Where the hell is this chick" "I have no idea and to be honest I don't really know what she looks like" Kiu looked at me annoyed "Really dude" she said "Kurro does but me I have no idea" "You idiot we could have walked past her" "Well you don't know what she looks like either" suddenly we felt someone bump into us. We turned to see it was some women who had spilled wine all over herself "Shit" she whispered "I'm sorry that was my bad" she said turning to us. She looked at Kiu and stopped before tilting her head in confusion "I'm sorry are you Kiu Oruma by any chance" Kiu looked at me "Do I know you" she asked "It's me Saki Hara we went to high school together" I looked back at Kiu and shrugged "Saki Hara....? Oh shit I remember you. Your the detective or whatever wow it's nice to see you again" "Wow you are one beautiful women and this is" she said looking at me "This Koataro my boyfriend" I smiled "Oh it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for bumping into you guys like that" she smiled softly "I'm sorry for your loss. Ichiru has always been a nice person and it sucks that she had to go so early" Saki nodded sadly "Yea it's fine thank you though I really miss her Um would you like my number so we can talk sometime" "Oh of course here" Kiu handed her phone to Saki "And done" she handed her the phone back. Well I have to go change I might see you guys around" she said before walking away "Nice" I said holding my hand out "My guy that was luck" she said as she high fived me "Now where's Kurro and Bex we need to get out of here before this becomes a high school reunion" we walked off to find Kurro and Bex arguing? "What the hell is going on over here" Kiu asked. They both looked at her "Bex got mad at me because I asked her why she doesn't like wearing dresses" Kiu sighed "Kurro mind your business and maybe you to wouldn't be arguing dumbass. Now get up we found Saki and got her number now let's go" Kiu walked off with Bex and Kurro and I followed "Nice going. Did you forget that we are staying in their house" I said "Don't remind me" we all got in the car and drove home in silence. We got home and all went out separate ways. I went in the bathroom and showered. When I heard Kurro on the phone "Who was that" "Kenma" he answered throwing his phone on the bed "Wanna talk about it or" he laughed "Kenma and I are not together" I sat down "Well well" I said drying my hair "What happened" I grabbed my clothes and walked back in the bathroom "We were talking about who was doing right or wrong and he was like with a half assed apology how could I call myself his boyfriend so I said I guess I'm not your boyfriend then and he was like fine and I was like then don't get mad if I sleep with other people and he was like then don't get mad if I sleep with Kelsi" I busted out laughing from inside the bathroom. I quickly put my clothes on and walked out the bathroom "I'm sorry but bro he just demolished you" I continued laughing "What are we laughing at" Kiu said busting in "You wouldn't get it" "Oh is this about Kelsi" "How did you know" "Long story what happened" Kiu sat on the bed with me and I told her all about everything with the help of Kurro. When we got to it she busted out laughing and so did I "Kurro I'm sorry but how did you let him make you his bitch" Kurro got up and went into the bathroom "Come on you didn't have to do him like that" I said. After that me and Kiu talked for awhile about anything really until my phone started to ring "Hey hey hey Bokuto speaking" "Hey what are you doing"  "Bokuto" Kiu said. I looked over just for her to make faces to try and make me laugh. I held it in "Oh Akaashi what's up. Can you stop" "Who are you talking to" "Kiu she's the person Suga had us stay with wanna talk to her" I handed Kiu the phone "Kiu Oruma speaking" "Um hi I'm Akaashi I'm-" "Bokutos Boyfriend right. Nice to meet you. Your voice is very soothing I bet your nice looking to. How old are you" "I'm 23..." "Oh your as young as me. It's very nice to meet you and don't worry about Bokuto I'm a lesbian... I think anyways love you bye" she hung up the phone and handed it back to me. She laughed "He is going to beat my ass" "I know" she said smirking "I pushed her and she rolled of the bed "Ok ok I'm going to bed" she said as she got up and walked over to the door "Hold up Kurros single now right. So I could stay here and act like I forgot he was in the shower and sneak a peek and he won't get in trouble" "Dude get out" I through a pillow at her. She laughed leaving out. I've never quite had a friend like Kiu she's very different and by the way she acts I would have never thought she had such a smart brain. I sighed and lied down texting Akaashi telling him I'd call him later and that I loved him before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I really do need a Kurro to my Bokuto rn Cuz tbh I feel like the people I am closest to are the ones plotting the most. Anyway hope you enjoyed love you guys bye bye(Edit) IM BACK BABYYYY

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