Chapter 29|| Karasuno

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Suga POV
"She as did what!!" I yelled "She said she'll come back but I don't believe it" Oikawa said on the other line "Well she did what you went to do so I guess it's alright for now. Thanks for the update I'll call you later" I hung up and sighed "What's wrong Suga" Tadashi said walking in "Nothing you should worry about" he sat down "Can we talk" "Yea of course what's up" "Well it's about the whole situation that happened a few months ago with Kenma and Tsukishima. I know it was a long time ago but Tsukishima never mentioned anything about afterwards. I guess I don't really mind but it bothers me he didn't wanna talk about it" "Why don't you ask him" "Well since it was so long ago I don't want him to be mad at me for bringing up old things. I really just wanted to say something about it. It's fine since he didn't kiss back but I was upset to. That's all I wanted to say really. I feel better saying it to someone" "I'm glad your better. Come to me if you ever have a problem" he nodded and smiled as he got up and left out "Ugh why do I have to play the mom" "It just suits you best" I looked up to see Daichi "Then you must be the dad. In this terrible lot are our children" we both laughed "We still love them though cuz you know there ours" I smiled "Yep and we need to take our children out to eat let's say hmm tomorrow" "Yea I should be free so  I'll inform everyone. So how are things with Teddy" I leaned back in my seat "Well she kinda um teamed up with Shirotorazawa" "She what" "From what I heard they ended up almost starting a shoot out until Teddy gave her gun to Ushijima and announced she would be working there until further notice along with her accepting our terms on behalf of Shirotorazawa" "Wow now that is a bad bitch" I laughed "You think that makes her a bad bitch? No no she clearly did it in a whim assuming it would work out. It could have backfired terribly" "Maybe she knew" "Like she had something that would help her" I thought about it for awhile. How in the hell did she get away with that? "Anyway since tomorrow we'll all be hanging out how about you come over my house tonight" "Why so I can be exhausted the next day" he laughed at me "No so we can spend time together because we haven't all week" "That sounds like a you problem. I don't really mind being away from you" Daichi looked at me annoyed "Your not funny" "Im sorry but I really don't have time" he sighed "Have you heard from Kurro and Bokuto" "Yes actually. They made it and their already going through with a plan" he nodded "You better be right about this" he said. I nodded "Yea I better be" I mumbled closing my eyes

The love bro. We got 15k+ reads and I can't rn. Tysm guys. It's harder to right since schools started up but still thanks.sprry for the late update it was my grandmas birthday😓

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