C-03 Kara's Siren Call

Start from the beginning

"Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's you will arrive on Earth." My father said.

"What if I'm not brave enough?" I ask them.

"It's not all about being brave. It's about what's the right thing to do. We've been eaten by jealousy and greed. It's time for a new Krypton. And it will start with you," My mother told to me.

"Then I will, Your Majesties, Aunt Lara."

"Good. Because my last proclaim as the King of Krypton. You Kara Zor-El will be Queen of Krypton immediately." Then he put the crystal in my hand.

"Your Majesty, this trip will be a long trip," she put our family heirloom in my neck, "But you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be in your dreams," Mother said

"I just remind you that Earth's yellow sun will have a great effect on your physiological body. You will have the greatest power in the universe," my father warned me.

"You will do extraordinary things," Aunt Lara assured me.

"I won't fail you, Mother, Father, Aunt Lara," I told them.

"Your Majesty, may the Seven Forces of Rao be with you."

Then father pushes the last button, and I flew across the sky to space. I tried not to look back. but in 10 seconds, I was nearly in the face of Rao. I felt a blast. I made a mistake. I look back. Krypton is gone. But I notice that there is a rock that will collide with my pod, and it did. I saw my cousin rocketed far and I was going on the wrong way. I shouted for help, but no one seems to hear a thing. A portal open and all I know was darkness.

Kara POV: Earth

But after 24 years in space. I finally woke up from my slumber. My pod crash outside of an urban area. Then a figure stood tall in front of me. I immediately recognize the symbol on his chest. The symbol once I love, once I protect, once it's glory. The Crest of the House of El. The Royal family of Krypton. My symbol of prestige and honor.

"Kal-El, is that you?"

"It's been 24 years. I thought I'm alone of my kind, I mean apart from General Zod..." he said.

"No. You're not. And what do you mean general Zod?"

"I'll tell you later... You miss everything..."

We smiled at each other. Then my sensory part overload my brain as my skin hits the yellow sun of this planet. My cousin brought me immediately to a secret cave while this so-called DEO brought my pod with them.

"Batman?" My cousin calling this mysterious man.

"Why did you bring her here, it's dangerous?" he said in a deep manipulated voice.

"Dangerous of what? She is just a kid?"

Then I stop him and told him, I need fresh clean air first before telling them my story. Then when we are at the highest part of the mountain near his cave. A woman flying came to us and nodded to him and my cousin.

"Hello," she said, and I face all of them, "I forgot what air was like. Pardon me, but this all, a first to me... Kal-El you have grown so much and very sorry, I wasn't there for all that."

"Don't worry Kara. Father was there."

"Jor-El. I remember Uncle Jor-El."

"But you have told us what happen to you? It's been 24 years since the explosion happen?"

"That long?" I ask him while I process myself with this aftermath information.

"Yeah... all I know is that our planet destroyed because of something about the abuse of usage of our own core,"

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