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Barry's 23 POV: Waverider

Finally, we landed on the proper timeline. Inside, the time ship everyone just got up from their sleep... while me not much... I cannot sleep because I am so worried about Kara. What if she doesn't wake up? What if everything is gone for the worst? I was looking at her face, so angelic, so gracefully sleeping like the world is in peace. Is it too bad that I miss seeing her sleepy face?

"(Mr. Allen... Creator... Dr. Allen...) Dr. Bartholomew Henry Allen Jr. ..." Gideon called me mimicking my mom's voice that made me jump, "I have called you many times."
"Sorry, Gideon... I was..."
"Spacing out..." Gideon said and I was a little intrigued by that...
"Spacing out? Where did you learn that word?"
"I am from the future it means I am way past being millennial..."
"Guess you are right!," then I ask her out of the blue because I want to know something, "There's something I have been meaning to tell you, Gideon..." I ask her.
"What is it, sir?"
"I would like to know if there is a future between us?"
"I would love to answer that but you encode me and also from what understand through my years of experience... I recommend you not to know about it,"
"It's okay..."
"I can feel that you are scared... your amygdala is more functioning than any other nervous system right now..." Gideon said.
"Thanks, Gideon... I appreciate the scientific feelings... but you are right... the spice won't be there... the trill and all of that."
"Glad we are on the same page but Captain Hunter said reminding everyone if you are all refreshed go to the deck because we have to go back to the real world and she truly needs real medical attention as she is in a coma."
"Of course, I go there now..."

     Then I went there and it was chaos between legends of screwing the timeline ... I honestly can't see the reason why they are called Legends of Tomorrow when all they do is go to the past and screw everything up plus it's wordy then on my right my brother from another universe goes to my side and I can see on his face that he was shocked and maybe wondering if their Legends are also like this chaotic and terrifying group of thinkers and fighters and look at Rip Hunter smiling like a proud dad.

"So, what gonna happen next?" he whispered to me carefully while we watch on the sideline.
"We supposed to land on Area 51..."
"You're bluffing," he said to me then Sara Lance came to us.
"Fast learner, I like it! You boys wanna buckle up on the seat this is going to be a bumpy ride," she said and we find our seats and straps ourselves like in a rollercoaster kind of thing.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking," Captain Hunter said speaks like a legal air pilot and gonna land at the airport and I raise an eyebrow.
"It's his favorite hobby," Sara said and Captain Hunter continued his usual pilot tour guide monologue.
"We arrive in 2019 a day after the major Texas devastation, one of the major events after Central City's Famous Particle Acceleration Explosion, that may or may not cause 50, 000 claimed and unclaimed people who have powers," I'm pretty sure he was mocking me and Team Flash.
"Do you have to repeat that one?" I said annoyingly.

I didn't notice Mick came with his bottle of beer again until he craps out of me.

"Finally, back in the race," and I jump on my seat that I forgot I was strapped in.
"Mick!!! you scared me," I say to him while
"How many times I have tried to kill you and you don't even surprise by that and now I surprise you because I spoke out of turn, sure Red!!! That means I am something," Mick said.
"Well, one thing for sure Mick Rory loves to drinks and is still grumpy and calls you, red," Barry said.
"Doppelganger just like the Cisco with Gypsy girl?" Mick asks Sara.
"Actually, they came from the same Earth, Earth 1," I said.
"Do you have Mick Rory?" he asks Barry.
"Yeah...  we called him, Heatwave and partnered with Captain Cold "Leonard Snart."
"Cool! I mean Hot!" he said, and we look at him.
"But our Leonard Snart died to save time from the time masters of the universe, according to the Legends in our Earth 1," Barry said not catching up the moment.
"Run out," Understatement of the year as he sips his last drink in the bottle. Then Capt. Hunter speaks in the coms. that leads to the tower in Area 51 the usual receiving of space ships.
"This is Captain Rip Hunter of 3026 approaching the White Mountains. (after 5 seconds), we are approximately six people, 5 healthy and one comatose. (after 10 seconds) Okay, we got clear landing in front of the DEO base in Area 51."

Earth 23 (Re-editing process...)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu