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When Olivia was finally allowed to leave the principal's office after a massive lecture about following rules and the dress code, she found Logan instead of Elijah waiting in the parking lot, leaning against his bike with his arms crossed over his chest.

He was pissed.

Whatever girls remained on the school grounds were gathered in groups, sneaking glances at him and giggling. The boys looked equally interested in him, although they weren't so discreet about it.

Olivia, on the other hand, was in no mood to see his face. After having discovered that he had told Elijah she was calling him in the middle of the night, she couldn't care less about dancing around his bad mood.

"What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Why are you so late?" he snapped, equally angry. "Elijah said you'd be here twenty minutes ago."

Olivia was in no mood to talk about that either. "I told Elijah I would be late. Where is he?"

Logan shrugged. He put his extra helmet on her head and motioned for her to get on.

When she grumbled and sulked, he raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter with you?" he asked.

"What's the matter with me? What's the matter with you!" Olivia crossed her arms over her chest. "Why would you tell Elijah that I called you last night?"

Logan wrinkled his nose and scowled. "Is that really your problem?"

"Of course it is! Now he thinks I'm crazy!"

"He doesn't. Just get on the bike."

"I can't believe you did that. Why would you do that?"

"Olivia, I want to get out of here. Just mind your own business and get on."

"I'm not getting on until you say you won't do that again."

"I don't make promises I can't keep. Now get on."

"You're an evil brother."

He rolled his eyes. "And you're an equally evil sister. Happy?"


Logan turned away from her. "I called because I was worried, okay? I thought something bad happened. Can we go home now?"

"And you're always telling me I'm jumping to the worst conclusions."

"Get on."

Olivia grinned, her anger melting away. "Like brother, like sister."

"Just shut up and get on."

"Do you know when Elijah's going to be back?"

"No. Now are you getting on or not?" he growled.

Logan was always in a mood. When she had first met him a year ago, Olivia had quite frankly been a little scared of the brother who cursed and glared and seemed incapable of smiling. She never knew if she should talk to him, apologize to him, or try to hide, and it was an ongoing battle between the two siblings.

Now, they still fought, but Olivia had noticed things when her, Elijah, Blake, and Logan all started living together in safe houses during the trial. Before, she had only ever seen him when he would spontaneously come home from college to live at Elijah's house, but at the safe houses, she got to know an entirely different side to him.

His angry glares and insults just slid off Bake. Elijah didn't care to give a crap when he and Logan hollered at each other.

After she once witnessed Logan irritably snap something at Blake, Blake got an ear splitting grin on his face and said, love you too, brother, as if it was the most natural thing to say after being snapped at. Olivia didn't miss seeing Logan trying not to smile, and she wondered if maybe she had gotten it wrong the entire time.

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