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Hey guys!

So as said in the description this is my free space where I'm going to be raving about everything. Even the small petty things.

I think it'll be nice for you guys to have a mini introduction about me.

Name: Zahraa.

My friend sometimes calls me ZayRay.

Age: I'm in my teens.

Location: It's cold, wet and rainy and really makes you wonder if America is a better location to live.

Family: I have annoying siblings, my mother is a bitch and my dad can sometimes be a pushover.

Sex: Female.

Favourite characters ever: Ginny Weasley, Hal Jordan, Damian Wayne and Iris West.

I'm sure I'm missing tons more but that's about as much as I can remember.

Amount of friends: Very few. I'm introverted and I don't trust people really easily. Plus a few of the popular girls hate my eternal guts.

Well that's about it. Until the next time I decide to do a mini introduction in myself where you'll learn more about me.

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