Chapter 4

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"What? No way!" Loud chuckles came out from Atsushi's mouth. "Of course, I ain't gay."

Atsushi growls then glares at the three of them. "And absolutely not a stripper."

"Well you do have a strong sex appeal of a stripper." Dazai insisted. "And this is the best and the only way to get the choker-"

"All of this is just for a fucking choker?!"

"Aku will tag along with you, don't worry." Chuuya reassures. "He'll keep you safe-"

"He's a criminal-"

"We all are bud-" Dazai cuts him off.

"Fine. Just as long as I don't lose my virginity to this shit." Atsushi grumbles.

"Is the meeting over?" Akutagawa asks boredly.

He wasn't interested and all about it just like you, reader, in class am i right? Whoops I just broke the 4th wall, sorry.


"Okay bye." The black haired boy marched back upstairs and closed the door of his room shut.

"Why is he like that?" The younger asked.

"He wasn't just interested in this... Plan at all. Me too, but as you can see, we didn't have much of a choice." Chuuya muttered boredly.  Atsushi sensed there's still something he should know but they won't tell him.

"Now will you excuse us?" Dazai gripped Chuuya. "We'll just have had to deal with something..." Sending a little wink at the younger, the two already had vanished.

Atsushi find that suspicious. However, he just shook his head off because he didn't like what's on his mind.

"Finally those two are gone." Akutagawa sighs and looks at Atsushi.

When did he came back?!

"Before anything else... I need you to teach some things just in case things go wrong."

"Like picking locks?" Atsushi's eyes sparkled and felt excitement. Finally, he always wanted to pick a lock ever since.

"Exactly and more of that though." Akutagawa says and drags the younger upstairs.

Time skips...

"How the fuck do you guys do this in just a split second?!" Atsushi have been trying to pick the small lock with a bobby pin for hours and still haven't open one.

"Atsushi, I swear if you didn't pick that tiny lock you'll surely die tomorrow."

Akutagawa munches on a Dorito chip as he watches him.

"Where did you get that?" Atsushi furrows his eyes at him.

"I stole it from 7/11."

"Can I have some-"

"Nope." The older replied, popping the 'p' and sticking his tongue out at him. "You need to pick that lock first."

"Can you explain how I do it again? Hehehe~" The younger scratches the side of his head in embarrassment.

"Okay." Akutagawa went over to Atsushi and took the lock. "A typical lock is made up of two parts: the barrel and the pins. The barrel is the chamber you put the key into. The pins are small metal cylinders that sink into the barrel, holding it in place until a key (or your pick) pushes them up and out of the way. The pins are cut in half, and when the halfway mark lines up with the barrel you can turn the lock. Your job, as a lock picker, is to manually push up each of the pins into the correct position, slowly turning the barrel so that they can't be called back into place. Once you've got all the pins out of the way, the barrel will turn freely and the lock will open." As he explained those, the lock already is picked and passing it back to Atsushi, locking it again.

"How did you even learn these things?"

"Self learned." Well that was unexpected.

Atsushi once again picks the lock and after a few minutes, he finally picks it.

"OMG! AKU, I DID IT!" Atsushi squeals, jumping up and down. Akutagawa let the younger be and laughed at his childish behavior. But he gotta admit, it was really cute seeing him like that that it makes his heart flutter.

"Alright congrats but you still have a lot of things to learn."

Akutagawa spent the whole night teaching the younger everything he must learn before the mission starts tomorrow evening. He gotta need everything and hopefully he'll remember.

On the otherside, Dazai and Chuuya were silently watching the two. The two even secretly ship those two together ever since Atsushi arrives.

"I bet Atsushi will top." Dazai said while grinning.

"Are you nuts? Aku is without a doubt the top!" Chuuya argues.

Dazai approaches Chuuya and corners him. "Then let's make this a real bet!"

"Okay, I'm in! I won't lose on you, bastard!"

Next day...

"You're expecting me to wear that?!" Atsushi points at the too revealing maid outfit that Dazai was holding.

"Well that's the stripper's uniform so you don't have any choice." Akutagawa says, putting on a last detail on his makeup before adding his black mask. "I'll be waiting for you outside"

The two watched him leave as his footsteps got fainter and fainter, signifying to them he had already gone outside.

"Is it just me or Aku is acting really cold at the moment. He wasn't like that last night."

"Well... he's pissed at you for disliking the uniform since when he got that uniform for you to wear and got almost... just almost got his first kiss stolen." Dazai replies. "What matters to him the most is his first kiss though."

"He hasn't got his first kiss yet?!" Atsushi asks unbelievable.

"Let's talk about that later. We need to dress you up."

An hour later, the younger had already finished preparing himself for the so called mission and heck, he looks so sexy and fuckable. The black revealing maid uniform fits his milky skin and thick thighs along with the black cat ears and black collar as his accessories.

"So, is it just the two of us riding this?" Atsushi asks, pointing at the black Volkswagen that Akutagawa was leaning on. Averting his gaze at the younger, the view in front of him made him gawk.

Fuck that should considered illegal, Nakajima Atsushi.

"Quit staring!" Atsushi yells as he covers himself up with a jacket. He wasn't used to being stared at even though he has a defined body that everybody wants to have a piece of, especially his... You already know what I mean.

"Alright! Alright! Sheesh..." Akutagawa got inside the driver's seat while Atsushi sat in the passenger's seat.

During the whole car ride, the atmosphere was silent. The two would secretly steal quick glances at each other and pretend to stare out of the window.

"Atsushi..." Akutagawa finally breaks the silence between them. "I know you hate this and all but you need to do it. It's for your own good."

Indeed, Atsushi hates it. He'll make a fool out of himself because of this. Hopefully no one will recognize him at the bar. Also, isn't it weird that nobody isn't even trying to find him? He was still debating whether it is a good thing or not until he felt the car pull up.

"We're here..."

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