Chapter 1

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"Mr. Nakajima you're late." Chief Kunikida says as Atsushi enters the meeting conference.

"I'm sorry." He says then bows politely. "I was busy gathering all the last files."

"Alright, show us what you searched about."

Atsushi confidently stood in front holding a folder containing multiple files from different criminals. "The topic for today is all about Japan's all-time professional thief... Ryunosuke Akutagawa."

Files and records flash at the screen making the audience watch it in awe. Nakajima Atsushi is famous for being clever and a hot criminal profiler. He nearly cracked every criminal profile he received. With his charms and flaws, every girl and boy wants a piece of him. Aren't we all?

"His name is Ryunosuke Akutagawa, aka Black Agito. His birthday is the 1st of March,1993. Current age is 23; Originally from Yokohama, Japan. I still have lots to tell you but let's set that aside for now." He clears his throat before he proceeds. "A thief with flawless and clever thinking, he truly did mastered the art of stealing."

"What are you trying to tell us, Mr. Nakajima?" One of them asks.

"I'll be taking on the task to catch him... Alone." Atsushi replies making everyone in the room fell in dead silence.

"Are you sure about that Mr. Nakajima? Don't you need any help or something?" The blonde chief questions. "I mean, no one ever dared to try to catch him ever since and he's a dangerous man. That boy set my house on fire."

"Really? Well I'm still going to catch him." He insisted. "Besides, I already catch every criminal in Japan now, don't I?"

"If you insist Mr. Nakajima." The chief sighs, making Atsushi smile in triumph. "Just tell us if you need help"

"I will." And with that Atsushi left the meeting conference with confidence.


"I'm finally going to catch Japan's all-time criminal! I'm so excited and nervous, oh my god!" Atsushi squeals then soon stops as he feels all eyes looking at him weirdly. Oh right he forgot that he's alone and just talking to himself.

Atsushi may appear to be popular, yet he is a loner. He has met a lot of individuals, but they are only acquaintances. Although he has met a lot of people, they're just acquaintances, nothing more.

Well he has this two friends who used to work at the same police station he is. The names are Akiko Yosano and Edogawa Ranpo. The trio are the best of friends but it cutted short after Yosano for an 'unknown' reason, same goes to Ranpo. The thought of it made Atsushi frown.

Glancing back at his half eaten black frosted cupcake, he felt someone watching him from behind. Atsushi shifts his gaze at the glass door of the cafe and sees a hooded figure standing there but soon dissolves as the darkness engulfed it.

Curiosity got the best of him so he stood up from his seat and walked out of the cafe leaving his half eaten food. The figure stops in front of a car which turns out to be his car. It took out something from his hoodie then swung the bat back before hitting the glass window. The car started to alarm loudly at the strong impact.

"MY CAR-" Atsushi screams but immediately shuts up as the figure turns around. Fuck, wrong move.

"Woops!" The jet-black haired with white tips says, shrugging. "My bad!"

Suddenly, they can hear the sirens from the cops at the other side of the alley. The boy turns back to Atsushi and harshly grabs his arm.

"You're going with me." With that, the two started running away, making Atsushi dumbfounded. Why the hell is he running away with this boy?!

"Hey, let me go!" He attempts to pull away from his grasp but hell he was too strong. "I said let me g-" his sentence was cutted off after the jet-black haired with white tips one took out a knife.

"Utter another word and I'll kill you."

Atsushi didn't protest anymore and kept running with him. The jet-black haired suddenly stops running and starts to pant heavily.

"Fuck, I hate running!" He curses in the midst of his coughs.

"Then why are we running away?!"

"I need you to come with me."

"For what?"

"Enough with the questions child, we need to get my car." He once again drags him towards a car which is not that far away. The jet-black haired gets in but Atsushi didn't.

Hell no he's going with him. "Get in!" He growls. Never mind. In the end, he gets behind him. I can escape later. "Oh yeah I forgot" Taking out another object from his hoodie, he cuffs both of Atsushi's hands making his eyes widen. "Just in case you escape."

With a blink of an eye, the jet-black haired starts the car and drives at the speed of light. Atsushi was at the back shaking a bit in fear. He wasn't comfortable with his driving. It was too fast.

"Hey! It was a red light!" He yells as they passed by at the red traffic light.

"You're overreacting child."

"B-but it was a r-red light! It's against the rules!"

"I already broke more than one rule though."

"You what?!"

"What more can I say? I'm a criminal." The jet-black haired huffs.

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