Chapter 24: Correlation of Events

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"Mr. Kramer, read this." Dr. Cruel said to his boss as he walked into the office and up to Mr. Kramer's desk.

"Did you manage to get any more information on Jimmy Stickman?"

"Yes." Dr. Cruel replied, showing Mr. Kramer some statistics on the large computer in his office. "The very place where we sent the investigation team to earlier today holds much significance to Jimmy Stickman. And not only that, but this data, which was sensed by their ships, shows that Jimmy's power has, in fact, grown so steeply and suddenly to the point where it is likely at its prime right now."

"Do you know the cause?"

"I think so." Dr. Cruel replied as he pulled-up a historical document about the Stickman family.

Mr. Kramer started reading it, "'Myth claims that there lies a sword somewhere in the middle of the forest that was crafted specifically to be used by any member with Stickman DNA. If given this sword, a Stickman will gain an immense quantity of power that will be sufficient to let-die almost any destructive force that is to be thrown at it.'"

"Sir, the forest that the investigators were sent to was none-other than the Legendary National Forest, and may I remind you that Jimmy was there simultaneously. Our lead researchers have no doubt that Jimmy was there because he was retrieving the sword, and they all agree that the stats correlate perfectly with his being there." Cruel explained.

"Of course the most basic thing that we need to do is simply heed from interrupting his path, but with the press and government growing more and more suspicious of us, it is possible that Stickman will make an attempt to come for us if he finds out that people are having suspicions about us." Mr. Kramer explained. "We need to find a way to get him to join our organization, or to the very least convince him that we mean no harm. If that becomes a reality, than I wouldn't wager that we have much else to fear. And having him working for us would be a major plus. Tell the researchers to keep studying him; I will do my best to think-up a few potential plans for us if any of these scenarios shall arise."

"Will do, sir."

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