Chapter 22: Exhaustion

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Jimmy and Squirps finally reached the true foothills, which in scientific terms are elevations of land that precede mountains. Fortunately for them, houses were very sparse and scattered throughout the land. This was beneficial because Jimmy could always work more diligently without outside distractions.

It was now the afternoon at around 3 o'clock; Jimmy and Squirps had journeyed for hours even from the very beginning of the mountains. They made their way through huge quantities of uneven land dotted with small areas of forest and shrubbery for the entire couple of hours that it took from the time that they were just entering the mountains.

Thankfully, they were getting very close to the edge of the forest; the best estimation that Squirps could give from his finger-length method was about an hour more of travelling before finally making it to the forest.

However, they not only needed to take the time to find the statue in the entire area of the forest, but they also needed to find Squirps' ship as well.

Jimmy could not resist taking a rest on a big rock they encountered while making their way through a huge field of flowers. "This is just so damn exhausting, man. I swear, this is probably the hardest I have worked my muscles in my entire lifetime." He said as he stretched and rubbed his legs extensively to try and loosen them up so that they felt relieved.

"Try being physically weak and having short legs..." Squirps responded, reminding Jimmy of his condition.

"My legs feel like jelly. Literally, they feel nothing short of downright dead." Jimmy described.

"We can do this! Come on, man! Did you notice how you kicked the shit out of those dickheads back there!? You underestimate your capabilites, bro."

"It is not that I have low self-esteem right now, it is just that we have been walking for an entire day-and-a-half already and we still have so much more ground to cover!"

"Well imagine the feeling that you will get when this is all over. You will feel pretty good, dontcha think?"


"Then why are you complaining? This should feel good!"

"But it's hard!"

"You know that feeling after you workout hard? This is almost like one, long walking workout."

Jimmy sat up on the rock and rubbed his chin. "You know, what the hell am I blabbering about; more pain equals more gain!" He stood up and stretched. "But seriously, it would be an excellent thing if we found your ship, though. Just thought you should know that."

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