Chapter 8: Squirps

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He later awoke in a dark room. It wasn't pitch black at least, but it was still dark, receiving only a little bit of sunlight from a couple of tiny windows. He was dazed after being knocked out, but he was relatively well-aware that he was clearly not at home after waking up from a really weird dream.

He was tied down to an unusual metallic chair with his arms behind his back. So really he could not do anything aside from sit there and try to devise a slick way to free himself. But the clamps were a lot more hardy than simple ropes; they were basically like mechanical claws that were built-in, so there was seemingly no way out unless somebody was close who knew how to work the controls which were operating the clamps.

This was no ordinary room. Aside from the chair, there were a couple of odd control panels located at different portions of the room that he had never seen anything like, and the door was very peculiar, looking something like a smaller and more streamlined elevator door.

Jimmy made a very vain attempt to break out of the vices holding his body down. He tried and tried, breaking so much sweat in the process; but it was no use.

As he was catching his breath, he took note of a small shadow outlined by the sunlight coming through some small the windows. He held his breath as the shadow opened the window and crawled into the room in a very imp-like fashion. It dropped to the floor and rose up with its eyes glowing a piercing yellow.

Jimmy still held his breath as he cringed with fear, afraid that his imminent doom had already come. His eyes widened as the creature walked toward him, finally forcing his eyes shut as the creature's true form came into the light.

"Dude, open your eyes!" Jimmy heard in his left ear.

He slowly opened his eyes and found a 2-3 foot tall imp-like creature with a rather humanoid shape save for proportionally longer arms and a smaller head, and being in possession of a much more slender build; its hide was a light blue-green color.

He lunged backward in surprise "Whoa! Get away! What are you going to do!?"

"Relax." The creature said. "I am not here to hurt you. I am really here to help you get out of here. You can't get out of here without me, unless of course you want to break free, which is pretty much impossible for someone like you."

"Why should I trust you?"

"My name is Squirps, and I am a member of the Shadowspawns, a race of extraterrestrials who come from a very distant galaxy that is located millions of light-years from the Milky Way. I personally come before you because I know the truth about you and who you really are on the inside. You just don't know it yet!"

"You are an alien, huh? Well if I am not dreaming, then you look nothing like anything I have seen before."

"Do you think you are dreaming?"

"Nope; I am not one of those people. You know, the kind who have little common sense and knowledge of reality. Unless I am secretly insane, which I HIGHLY doubt. Just go right ahead: say what you want."

"Your name is Jimmy Stickman, am I right?"

"Yes... Go on..."

"You are a very good student who has gotten a 4.0 GPA since 6th grade and whose parents went missing when you were a very young child. Did I get this right?"


"Your best friend is this kid named Tommy Carson, and you have been the best of friends ever since you were toddlers. And more specifically, you just got into a fight with some bully at school yesterday and lit him up, breaking his leg in the process. And then you got knocked out after apologizing to that kid just this morning?"

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