Iris had hired Shannon as a reporter at the Citizen. Which works with Shannon's skills because she has a knack for digging up the dirt that people want to stay hidden and getting into places she shouldn't be anywhere near. However, there were no articles written by Shannon.

And no articles about Defender or Hiccup, who makes his rare appearances in Central City as a vigilante from time to time.

"What happened to you guys?" Snart thought. He sighed and put the paper back. He looked around the emptied street and saw a masked man dressed all in black shoving another man into an alleyway.

Snart decided to go and see what was happening. The man dressed in black pressed the other man against the wall.

"Where is he?!" The masked man demanded, his voice muffled through the mask he wore over his face.

"Where's who?" The man stammered.

"You know who. Your boss, where is he?"

Snart grabbed the masked man and pulled him off of the other.

"Get out of here. Run!" Snart snapped to the other man. The man ran off, shaking.

"What's your problem?! I had him!" The masked man exclaimed, struggling in Snart's grip.

"Calm yourself, k-" The masked man elbowed Snart hard in the stomach and pushed Snart hard into the wall. The man had Snart in the same death position he had the other man. Snart could only see the man's eyes, through the eye slots in his mask. Snart recognized who the masked man was immediately.

"Hiccup?" He asked, a wave a relief washing over him. The masked man didn't move.

"How do you know that name?" The man asked.

"Because, I know you kid."

"Don't call me 'kid'. And the name's Myrkr." Snart's brow furrowed. Not at the fact that Hiccup was going by another name, but at the name itself. He didn't know much, but Emma had been teaching him a bit of Old Norse. And he knew for a fact that 'Myrkr' means 'Darkness'. Snart shook himself out of this thought.

"You're name is Hiccup Haddock. You're the chief of Berk and leader of the Dragon Riders. You've been called 'Dragon Master', 'Dragon Conqueror', 'Dragon Boy', and I think 'Champion of Dragons'."

"How do you know so much about me?" Hiccup snarled.

"It's like I said, kid, I know you."

"I said don't call me 'kid'." Snart straightened himself.

Defenders of Central City, Book 14: Twisted ChainsWhere stories live. Discover now